Wednesday, April 1, 2015

it's april // no foolin'

happy april 1st!

i haven't taken too many daily shots since we last spoke.  my goal for this year's p365 is to end up with at least as many photos for the month as there are days.  but not necessarily one photo per day.  i ended march with 37 photos for my p365 so i took a few days off.  i'm not sure this is the best way to do it though, because since i haven't shot for a couple days i kinda feel like i'm losing steam? i don't know.  i also overthink what i should take a picture of.  should it always be my kids? who am i shooting this for? for me to think it looks cool aesthetically or for them to look back on some day? or for my instagram followers who may or may not be so sick of seeing their faces.  ultimately it needs to be about what inspires me, right? it's my project.  i need to stop overthinking.

so now that we've gotten that out of the way, what else is new? i've started a 12 week workout guide & am on week 2.  i'm pretty excited about it! anyone heard of kayla itsines?  she's put out these 12 week workout guides that help you go from ok shape to freaking ripped.  i mean, ya know, results not typical or whatever.  but we'll see.  i'm feeling pretty motivated (says the girl who just ate a couple extra squares of dark chocolate) but seriously.  it's all about clean eating, high intensity circuit resistance training workouts & cardio workouts on the off-circuit days.

i've started an instagram account dedicated to my fitness journey.  i mean did you know this was a thing?  there are millions of fitness acounts on instagram & the supportive community is huge.  but i'm really scared to put this out there to the people who know me though... i've been pretty guarded about who i share it with.  i mean, i'm really putting myself out there here.  ya know, progress pics & sweaty selfies & all that.  it is what it is.  and what it is is a place for me to shamelessly track my progress, report my workouts & post lots of selfies of me flexing.  so there you have it, you've been warned.  if you're cool with that, i'd love to have you follow along! so come find me at <-- boom.

and that's about it. hope everyone's spring is off to a bangin start & i'll catch ya next time!


  1. Love the post! You could get so much more exposure though! Instagram is the perfect tool to do that! I am currently in the advertising business, covering various social media platforms, the fashion label I work for uses this bot from Instaboters , we use it for literally ever one of our labels and our primary account. Its really great because Instagram likes the company and what they do for businesses. If you want to get serious about your Instagram Marketing you should check them out here

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