Monday, September 17, 2012

one month.

one month down!

they say the first month is the hardest, right?  it just gets easier from here on out, yeah...?  well i'm not gonna bust out the whole "wow, this month just flew by!  how did we get here?"  because that aint true for me.  this month felt like a month.  and then some.  possibly because each day is about 19 to 20 hours long.  we aren't sleeping much around here but ya know what?  it's ok.  this little face makes it all worth it.

here's my little #2 all growed up to one month.

we really, really love this little guy.  i wish i could say things were getting easier but they haven't really.  the thing that has changed is elliot is spending more time during the day awake & showing more personality & i feel like we're bonding with him.  he's making eye contact, he's smiling & he's even letting out the occasional coo.  it makes my heart all melty.

elliot loves to be held.  if he had his way he'd never be put down & if i had my way i'd oblige.  this is where babywearing comes in handy!  when i'm home alone with both boys elliot spends a lot of time being worn in my wrap or when we're out & about he's almost always in the ergo.  he loooves being worn & i like it too.  he's happy to just hang out or sleep when being worn until he gets hungry... then he means business.

elliot is nursing like a champ.  he loves to eat.  he's nursing about 10-11 times a day for about 20 minutes each time.  he goes about two or three hours between sessions around the clock which doesn't make for much night time sleep.  we have yet to have consistent 4-5 hour blocks of sleep... we're crossing our crossables that happens this month.  he's gained a bunch of weight & is starting to get those awesome baby rolls.  he's wearing size 1 diapers & three month clothes, i think he was in newborn stuff for about a week.

how parker is doing:
parker still loves elliot.  he loves to rub his head, squeeze his arm {sometimes a little too hard!} & give him kisses.  he self entertains really well while i'm camped out nursing all day which makes me feel guilty & neglectful.  and then if he wants something & i can't respond as quickly as i used to he may or may not freak out.  so that can be hard.

he was having trouble going down for his nap & then i realized it was because i was taking elliot in there for stories & songs with me.  i've adjusted to putting elliot down for a nap first & then putting parker down alone which also gives us good one on one time.  he's gone down for a 2 or 3 hour nap ever since without a hitch.  we've been amazed at how well parker's adjusted.  he's such a good kid!

how i'm doing:
i feel like i'm pretty much healed from pregnancy & delivery.  i'd say i'm at about 99% because there is the occasional weird pain & i have to slow down a little but for the most part i'm pain-free.  i'm just so, so tired.  i'm kinda getting the hang of the two kids at home-alone thing or at least i feel like i'm getting less intimidated by them & am regaining control.  we have meltdowns & duel crying sessions but i can deal with it.  this crazy life is becoming our new normal.  i have yet to take them to a public store alone... maybe this month?  but we have gone on lots of successful park & playdate outings.

how sam is doing:
sam is my rock.  with working all day & driving an hour each way to & from work, i don't now how he hasn't lost it.  but he is what keeps this house going.  he's given me breaks to get out by myself  twice now & he's done extra housework to keep this place from falling apart in shambles.  i'll repay him some day with meal planning & folded laundry again soon.  maybe this month?  we'll see.

i really do think we're through the hardest part.  brand spanking new newborns are hard but they make up for it in cuddly cuteness, no?  oh my gosh & that smell.  i cannot get enough of elliot's smell!!  every time i pick him up & have to take a whiff of his head.  so, so good.

and he is just so dang cute.

love him.


  1. He is adorable! Sounds like you are doing well, I was really shocked going from one to two. And I remember thinking I thought it was hard with one, now I think one baby is a breeze! Ha-ha. Good work mama, I hope you get some more sleep soon.

  2. Sleep deprivation is the worst thing in the world. Caffeiene is the only thing getting me through my days!! You're definitely through the toughest part and you seem to be doing great =) Elliott is so adorable.

  3. Elliot really is a gorgeous little baby! I'm glad that Parker is adjusting well, but it sucks that you're tired all the time. I was a monster because of sleep deprivation. I hope you get more sleep soon!

  4. squishy cute! The first month is tough, but I hope this next month gets a little easier for you, and with more sleep!

  5. Ah...those adorable baby blues. It sounds like you are gaining / or have got control. Hopefully you will start to get more sleep this month!

  6. Such a great post! Sounds like things are going as good as can be expected considering how hard the transition is. Rebecca told me the hardest part about adding another baby into the mix was always the total exhaustion that came with the first couple months. It will get better! And I am always here for more play dates or taking Parker for the day!

  7. Hi! Thank you so much for your honest posts. I only have one (4 months) and it was tough, really tough in the beginning. And I felt like the only new mommy who was struggling. So I started a blog about what I was going through too. It just makes you feel better knowing that other people are going through the same thing as you. Your boys are so cute and you look great. Gotta love the carriers...we couldn't survive without ours too!

  8. he is just so dang cute.

    i cannot imagine having a toddler and a newborn. heckkkkkk. invest in some good eye cream???

    come take a stab at winning that balance bike. outta keep p-ray entertained for a bit ;)

  9. Great update! Sounds like your little one has an awesome older brother! These are such great and CUTE shots! I hope you are able to get some sleep real soon ;o)

  10. what a cutie!!! glad to hear things are getting better in your neck of the woods :)

  11. Mmmm, I can almost smell him through the computer screen. Happy one month!

  12. I can't believe how big he's already gotten! Such a cutie!

  13. i love his little pot-belly. Pretty much the cutest thing EVER. Can't wait to see the midgets this week!

  14. He's so cute but here's hoping sleeping gets better soon!
    P.S. Where is that panda from in the first photo? It's adorable.

  15. He is adorable. I'm almIsr the same boat as you right now- I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and my newest daughter will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. Although my 2 1/2 year old hasnt been as receptive as Parker.

    Oh and that newborn smell- amazing!

  16. Happy 1 Month cutie!! I love seeing your photos, and that cute toy is adorable :)

    It took me about 4months to feel 'normal' again... if that makes any sense. haha Your doing amazing mama :)

  17. adorable! happy 1 month!

  18. I'm glad you are doing well and i'm so glad you can be so honest about everything! It IS hard....Sky is 2.5 and I still feel like i'm looking toward those days when "it will get better"....the no sleep is really really hard. Hope you are getting some naps in! :)

  19. love this little guy he's so sweet! he is already changing so much too its crazy how fast it goes. xoxo

  20. Oh I'm so glad your man is you rock! That's what keeps me going too... having a daddy in the house who just makes everything okay! Hugs to you... it will improve...slowly but surely! My little miss slept 10hrs straight last night! I did not know myself this morning! :) xx

  21. Awww the lil guy's so adorable! I love the interaction between Parker & Elliot. Hey! Do you guys watch Leverage much? I do believe there are two characters by the name of Parker & Elliot hehehe... weird :)

    Hope all is well with the family.



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