Friday, August 3, 2012

froot loops. the midnight snack of {pregnant} champions!

this is literally me, right now.  i've officially succumbed to nothing but oversized t-shirts with the collars cut out {yuck, tight collars make me claustrophobic} and i've moved from leggings to loose yoga capris.  ooooh, sweet comfort.

i'm thirty-nine weeks pregnant today.

labor consumes my brain constantly.  i have perma-pre-game butterflies & approximately 14,584 different labor scenarios playing out in my mind.  last night sam was trying to go to bed & eventually kicked me out of the room because he said he could no longer play hypothetical with me... that at least one of us needed to be rested.  so i went out & ate froot loops.  and here we are.

it's so funny how meeting this baby boy feels SO close {any second now!!} and yet so far away {a whole WEEK??}.  the suspense is killing me.  i think we maaaaayyybe have finally agreed on a name which makes me super excited to meet this little boy because wow, he has a name!  he's a real boy.  i've packed my hospital bag & i literally can't think of anything more to do around the house to get things ready.  i'm well nested.

and now?  i'm just anxious, nervous & excited.  constant butterflies & scenarios playing out.  trying to enjoy every second that i'm not agonizing in labor/contraction pain but unbelievably anxious & excited to hold this new little boy & see his little face.  and to see if all this heartburn really does mean he has a full head of hair.

and one last thing?  if you had an awesome labor, where things went smoothly... you made it to the hospital with plenty of time, your older kid(s) was well taken care of & happy, your epidural worked beautifully & you pushed happily along for less than an hour?  leave your story in the comments, mmk?  i could use a pep talk.

if your labor was the opposite of that?  let's talk about it in a week or two, yes?  for now, i need good vibes.

{as soon as the little man is born i will be posting an announcement on my blog facebook page.  i'm sure it will be announced there a good day or two before i manage to get it on the blog, so if you're curious hit up & "like" the page if you don't already!}


  1. with jackson (baby #2): mild contractions in the morning, same day my mama flew in to stay with us, picked her up from the airport, got her and Riley all settled in at home, casually arrived at the hospital at 8 cm feeling pretty decent, hung out for a bit, things got intense, labored in the tub, hopped out, kicked myself for not getting an epidural, pushed twice, hello baby!!

    it almost could not have gone any smoother. and I pushed for over two hours with a failed epidural with Riley, so yeah...

    Sending good labor vibes your way!!!

  2. It's hypothetical baby day in my head! My hubby's birthday is today so your little man's should be too :o).

    I was induced with Ryann because of pre-e, so that isn't quite your scenario. BUT, my epidural? The most amazing thing ever. I napped and ate popsicles all day up until about 30 minutes before I had to push (then I felt pressure, but I was all confused and had no idea what was going on because I was 23 and apparently an idiot or something). And I pushed for 18 minutes. And didn't tear. And literally thought I had cheated on all women for having such an easy delivery.

    I wish you the absolute best labor and delivery, and Parker will be fine, and I can't freaking wait to see your baby boy and know what his name is and see all the lovely pictures you will take. You've got this Amy, no worries.

  3. Here's a little reading material for you:

    Happy, quick labor for both girls with just enough drama mixed in to keep it interesting. Everything will work out just fine, mama. Sending you lots of prayers and good energy this week!!

  4. I was already at the hospital for a weekly fluid check and my fluid was low so they decided it was a good day for a birthday! My induction was the easiest thing ever! I had an epidural before I even felt any painful contractions! Son #1 was at our wonderful baby sitters house and then my in-laws picked him up after they met son #2 at the hospital! It all worked out and it always does :)

  5. When you were born, things went perfectly! So happy my baby-birthing days ended on a high note! Your months of training has prepared you well & your performance will rate at least a 10 or higher!

  6. You'll do great! I only have one, but I was only in labor for 8 hours & pushed for maybe 30 mins. The epidural worked great too! I have faith in you =] So excited for you & can't wait too see his precious face, hopefully he comes on Wednesday so I can secretly be happy that I share a birthday with such a awesome kiddo!

  7. I only have one but it went so smooth that not more than 5 minutes after she was born I said I can do that again, I don't see why people complain so much ;) and yes I had a gloriously wonderful epidural :)

  8. Sending positive vibes your way! The delivery of my son was the most beautiful and empowering thing I have done in my entire life. Go in confident that you were meant to do this and things will go perfectly. Also, the I thing that helped me the most was my husband reminding me that all these intense sensations will only be for one day and then you get a lifetime with your little one! Hope that helps, you will do great!!

  9. Mmmmm, cereal. I know it's easier said than done but everything is going to work out okay. I can't wait to "meet" him and see you transition to a mom of 2 boys. It is such a special time.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh yes I was in your shoes!!! Just WONDERING how it would all go down~ I was one of those induced people and I made it to 42 weeks but lo! it was a wonderful induction!! I was induced at 10am and had my water broken. Lasted a while with the contractions but then said I was ready for the epidural. The epidural arrived via a Dr. NICE (if you can imagine) who took away all the pain. I was at 4cm at noon after that wonderful event and at 2:30 I noticed a bit of hip pain and then the nurse checked me and I had made it all the way to TEN!!! No big, long, drawn out affair of waiting to get to 10cm it just HAPPENED! Baby boy swung into action! I started pushing around 3ish and he was born at 4:30. I actually ended up watching the whole thing in the mirror and I remember being AMAZED and laughing through it all. My doula wrote down a bunch of the jokes that were made in the delivery room and I am SO GLAD I have them!! The epidural was pretty amazing and allowed me to really, truly enjoy my baby boys birth.

    You are going to rock it!! I love love love your blog and have been reading for about a year and enjoying watching your pregnancy!! Very excited for you and your family!!

    1. I can totally vouch for Dr. Nice (that that is her name & she is a Dr.)... I had her as my anesthesiologist when I had surgery earlier this year. She was very nice.

  12. My second baby was a wonderful delivery! My daughter had a playdate with her grandma that morning, so I got her ready while noticing some mild cramps. Grandma arrived to pick her up and I sat down and noticed the cramps were every 5-7 mins. Since I was already 4cm dilated (as of my last doctor appt) and we live far from the hospital, we went on in. A few hours later and ONE PUSH later and we had our son. Grandma brought big sister to meet "her baby" a few hours later. It was a great day!

  13. I'm so excited for you and your family!! You will have a fabulous delivery and Parker will be taken care of just as you hope! I just know it!!

  14. jeylin's labor was my easiest....only downfall, he was 3 days late. you'll be fine!

  15. can't wait to hear about boy 2 being born!!! so close!!

  16. Mmmm, fruit loops sound good! Can't wait to see the big announcement that little mister #2 has entered the world!

  17. Are you going to be posting on IG about baby #2 also when he gets here?

  18. I hvae no second birth story to enthrall you with, but here is my vision of how the day would go:
    I wake up at 8am, after a full night of peaceful, comfortable sleep. Dane comes to snuggle with me in bed. Chad has done all the dishes, mopped and vaccuumed, and folded laundry. My water breaks, but none leaks on the bed. I shower, dress, put on makeup. Mild contractions begin. We drop Dane off with my inlaws. We head to the hospital because I of course tested positive for GBS (ugh, antibiotics). We stop by Taco Time or Taco Bell, because mama loves her tacos and needs her energy. Contractions pick up on the drive in, but I've done this before so I know it's all for good. I get to the hospital, get checked in and sent to my fabulous corner room with a view. Contractions are coming closer together, but this time I know what to expect, and am able to breathe through them without yelling out expletives. I spend some time in the tub, Chad right by my side telling me how excited he is to meet our new baby. It's 1pm, and I feel the urge to push. I am nervous because with Dane when I felt the urge I was only 5cm. This time, they check me, and I am 9cm! I am able to labor on all fours, propping myself up with a yoga ball. Chad is rubbing my back, and my sister, mom, and Mandy all hang out, making jokes, and getting excited to meet the baby. My brother and his girlfriend are in the waiting room, along with Chad's family I am in intense pain, but I've done it before, so I know I can do it again. Suddenly, the urge to push becomes so intense I can't hold back. My favorite midwife rushes in along with a few nurses. She checks me, I am 10cm and relly ready to go! I give a good push, then another, and into the world flies my 7 1/2 pound baby! I don't tear, I don't break my tailbone. Baby immediately latches on and starts eating. I don't even blink when I deliver the placenta. After baby is done eating, they take him to be weighed and cleaned up. Everyone gushes about how perfect he/she is, and how beautiful and unbloated I look. At this point it is 2pm, our other family members come in and meet our perfect angel, including Dane. Dane squeals wth joy to finally meet his sibling, and holds and loves on the baby as if it is his own. I get up and shower while they all ooh and ahh over the baby some more. After they leave, I am able to nap while Chad snuggles our newest pride and joy. Since the antibiotics were in for exactly four hours, we don't have to worry about staying for extra time for the baby to be watched, so we stay the night and leave first thing the next morning.

    Piece of cake! Can't wait for that day to come!

    Can't wait to see photos of your new little man!

    1. P.S. I think I just wrote my own blogpost on here!

  19. labor. quick. no time for epi. pushed three times. out pops second most important man in my life.

    wishing you the same (only with the epidural)


  20. There is hope!! My first child labor was a horrific story. So when my second one came along I was super nervous for what was to come. Low and behold, it was beautiful!! It was the labor I was hoping for with my first one! Second baby usually comes faster so if you feel anything, don't hesitate! By the time we got to the hospital I was 8 cm dilated, just in time for an epi. That was only 2 hours after contractions started. Good luck, easy labor vibes being sent your way!! :)

  21. Ooooh, 39 weeks, that's so exciting!

    I think I had it pretty easy, labor-wise. My little girl was born at 38w3d, I had only a 5 hour labor. No epidural because I didn't want one. I went from 4cm to complete in the last hour, pushed a few times, and she was out.

    Wishing you a quick and easy delivery!

  22. I had a great second labor and delivery, now I just need the time and two free hands to write my story!! Hopefully soon. Can't wait for baby boy to arrive! Maybe he will have a thing for fruit loops as he grows up ;)

  23. OK this is going to sound like a bad story but I swear it's not. I had a car accident on the way to the hospital in early labor. When I got there, because of the car accident, they wouldn't release me to go to the birth center to birth where I had planned. I had lost my entire labor bag in the accident, it was strewn alll over the highway. But even though everything went all wrong and crazy, I stayed calm!! It was awesome, I was in a state of mind where I was just above everything else because I was so focused on meeting our baby. Just focus on the fact that this is the end of your pregnancy suffering and going to be one of the best days of your life because you'll finally get to see Baby Boy's face!! It's going to be amazing and seriously no matter what kind of birth you have, at the end it's going to see perfect when you're holding your new little one. :)

  24. I didn't have a "perfect" labor (17 hours) but my epidural took like it was supposed to and I only pushed for 45 minutes. So excited for you and sending you lots of good, happy labor vibes!

  25. Don't have a second story to share, but my first was pretty great, no epidural. I ended up having a c-section cause he was breach, but even then, I was just so excited. I think the adrenaline will carry you through and you'll be amazed at how quickly its over. After all, its only a few hours compared with the lifetime of loving them...

  26. I only have 1 so far, but everything was amazing with the birth of my first son. Water broke at 38 weeks at 3:00am, got to the hospital around 4:30am, got epidural at 5:30 (was at 6cm) and then started pushing at a little after 10am. I would have started pushing earlier but my midwife was delivering another baby in the next room. Baby boy was born at 11:16am after 1 hour and 1 min. of pushing and was perfect, 7lbs, 8oz, 20 inches. Good luck!!!

  27. You know my most recent labor story!! Easton's birth was amazing. And although the epidural failed (I know I know, I'm not supposed to say that here in your comments)... it didn't matter because the labor was less than 5 hours and I pushed him out in like 4 pushes. It was a SINCH! I told my hubby I could have like 10 more kids if I was assured they'd ALL go that smoothly!! Sending good vibes your way my friend. Good vibes.

  28. I was reading through the comments too, I'm in the same boat as you, Amy...just 12 weeks behind! My SIL is 1 week ahead of you exactly, so 1 day overdue today. I often wonder how things will pan out for us. Hoping to be able to drop Braden off at my MIL's, but more-than-likely will be calling her in the middle of the night to come and stay with him! Then my next biggest worry, is getting to the hospital on time. Making sure Braden is organized and taken care of will take at least 1/2 hour I'd imagine, the hospital is a 45 minute drive on top of that. I had a pretty fast first labor at 6 hours, and they say that your subsequent labors go I am praying that if that's the case we'll get there with a decent amount of time. I did my first and am planning on doing my second L&D drug free, so no epidural advice but I hope that it takes and is as wonderful as they say. Honestly, I'm more scared of the epidural needle than the contractions!! Good luck, will be thinking of you!


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