Monday, July 2, 2012

thirty-four weeks. bumpdate!

so in, "yeah i'm kinda freaking out" news:  baby boy comes NEXT MONTH!!  and not even just ya know, sometime next month, it's like the beginning of next month.  this is getting exciting.

and i'm starting to feel ready.  i think it's because i've stopped trying to get ready... instead, i'm ready for the chaos that is headed our way.  i'm just ready for him to get here & then to be like, "ok, bring it on... let's do this."  only thing is i'm completely freaked out about labor.  with your first baby you have the ignorance of thinking it won't be that bad.  ha!  

with parker i figured since i was getting the epidural everything would be painfree & i just had a nice little hospital hotel stay to look forward to.  well no one told me the contractions leading UP to the epidural would be enough to make me want to never let sam touch me ever again for fear of being put in this situation again.  and then?  my epidural was a fail.  it didn't work through transition & pushing so i had a fun little surprise natural labor.  followed by a 4th degree tear.  woohoo!  good times.  so needless to say i'm a little scared this time around.  

at least i know i felt the worst pain of my life & i survived, right?  it wasn't fun but it was doable.  and really, from start to finish i was only in labor for 11 hours with pushing only lasting 45 minutes... chances are this time things will go faster.  such a short little window to get a lifetime of cute baby boy here in my life. 

less than six weeks left.  i can do it.


  1. wait...your epidural failed? what the? now i'm freaked out.

  2. I feel you on the 4th degree tear thing. That alone is enough to terrify me when it comes to trying for number two! I'm sure I'll get over it though for another cute little person ;) hoping this next time around is way easier for you. I hear it usually is!

  3. It's July already. Crazy! Remind me to give you those hypnobabies cds to listen to. The affirmations really will help you stay positive! You will have a beautiful birth...I just know it!

  4. I can not WAIT to make memories with this little boy. I can't wait for both boys to scream AUNTIE when I walk through the door. EEEk, so excited!

  5. a close friend of mine had a 4th degree tear. :( with my first i was in labor for 12 hours and with my 2nd it was 6 hours. hopefully that is the way it goes for you the 2nd time!! eeek, i am so excited for you!! :D

  6. Your the only (other) person I've ever heard that the epi! With Lexie they convinced me to have one after 24hrs in labor to help me "sleep" but it didn't work and they tried a 2nd and nope.... this one has to be better for you right?

  7. Ugh same story here...I felt EVERYTHING. And 3rd degree tear... Was terrible recovery but I forgot about it all once I kissed his lil cheeks!

  8. yay! next week will be 35/35. =] 35 weeks, 35 days!! when is your due date? I think i'm more excited because you might have that cute little baby on my birthday! {aug. 8th}.
    So exciting, labor really is one of those pains you 'forget'.. I will never forget mine so Idk why people even say that.

  9. oh my gosh, I can't believe you're getting so close! You look so great.

  10. You'll do great! Stay positive, and no matter how labor goes, in the end you will have your sweet little munchkin to make it all worth it! Hypnobirthing techniques helped me a lot when I was in the midst of pitocin induced contractions... the relaxation techniques I had practiced the months leading up labor really paid off. If you have time, I'd say look into it, or send me an email and I would be more than happy to talk birth with you!!!!

  11. Yup - you can do it! It is such a miracle what our bodies can do! You are in such good shape, fit & healthy! You have done all you can do to prepare & I think you are right the 2nd birth will go smoother! Your body will listen to what you are thinking and comply...

  12. awww, this is fantastic news!!! congratulations and i wish you and your family all the best! :D

    <3, Mimi

  13. I can't get over how adorable you are. I love these updates :)

  14. Such a great outlook to have on the delivery part. I was in labor 16 hours with Noah and then pushed 49 minutes. I'm really looking forward to *hopefully* a shorter labor this go around. Can't believe you're a mere WEEKS away now! How exciting!!

  15. How exciting Amy!! I have 16 weeks to go, but this pregnancy has gone soooo fast. Looking forward to hearing news of your little mans safe arrival

  16. What an absolutely gorgeous bump! I kinda miss mine a little! And sad I didn't get to take some last photos as Little Ivy decided on an early arrival! Good luck with your last few weeks! :) :) :) Sorry to hear your birth with Parker was not what you wanted... hoping this time is a lot easier. My 2nd labour was only 3 hours from start to finish. Hopefully yours is a little easier second time round... Do you have the option of waterbirth? I've done that for both my girls with no pain relief. I found it amazing. Isn't it wonderful that regardless of the birth (which is fleeting really) we end up with these amazing little creations to love upon! xx God bless

  17. You are SOOOO cute. I can't believe our little bebes will be here so soon! I've only got a little over 2 weeks to go, I hope she comes early though. I feel like I should be more scared for labor. I had a pretty good experience even though I was induced and it was loooooong, but I think I have forgotten the pain. I've just never gone into labor on my own before, so I am really hoping it happens this time around. Ryan and I are like first timers because we are all scared we won't know when to go to the hospital ;)

  18. You so remind me of myself when I was pregnant! It makes me miss it! It's weird, but my epidural didn't work too well either! It was amazing at first and all my pain had completely gone but as time went on it slowly began to wear off! It was horrible. I couldn't believe I actually had to push through that. I could barely move when I had a contraction! I was lucky though, the minute I started pushing, the pain went away completely and I pushed my little one out in 15 minutes! It was so amazing!

  19. you can do it mamma! i have the same fears. i'm terrified to give birth again. contractions are the. worst. i got an epidural at 1 cm...1 cm! that's how low of pain tolerance i have ;) i had to push for 3 hours and ended up having little man vacuumed out. ugh! i'm clinching even thinking about doing this again :(


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