Monday, June 4, 2012

thirty weeks. bumpdate!

and then we were in the thirties with only ten weeks left... how can time fly by & crawl all at once?  i can't believe this baby will be here in just over two months.  so basically now is the time to be making to-do lists & start checking things off.  this kid will be here before we know it!

here's my pre-baby & summer-time bucket list:

i'll cross things off the list as they happen & will maybe even add a couple more as i think of them.  but it looks like we have lots to do in the next two months, no?  i won't beat myself up if we don't get to everything, lots of those are all-day saturday things & i'm sure a few of our saturdays will need to be spent catching up around the house, so it may not even be possible.  but i mostly want to just cherish these last few weeks with parker as our one & only before the family gets a new member.

T minus ten weeks & our lives will never be the same!


  1. You look amazing! I've been forming a bucket list of things to do this summer much to do!

  2. Oh! those all sound like so much fun! Enjoy! :)

  3. wow! you look absolutely incredible and so adorable! can't believe only 10 more weeks! it's flying by!! so so happy for you!! :)

    and i am loving your bucket list! such a fun idea!!

  4. Wow! You have a lot planned...though is a great to-do! 10 weeks to go!!

  5. you've gained 20 lbs?? where??? You are all belly! Love the bucket list!

  6. you look great!! I have 31 weeks left! :)

  7. You look great, Amy!

  8. I love your summer bucket list!!!!!! :)

  9. 30 weeks -- wow, it's coming up fast! Sounds like we might need to get together for a couple sewing days soon so you can get your quilts done! :)

  10. So excited for you! Getting closer to new baby time :). You are still looking great!

  11. you look adorable!! love your summer bucket list!! i might just have to make one for this summer! :)

  12. I can't believe you are 30 weeks already. Crazy how time flies! Your bump is probably the cutest thing ever. Looks like you'll be having a fun summer!

  13. I dont know where youve put those 20 pounds cause you look great!

  14. Like someone else said, no idea where you put those 20 lbs.

    Clarkston as in Clarkston, WA? I have family there and also lived there back in Jr. High :)

  15. so just a thought, but you could come hike down here and then we could watch Parker while you and sam go on your date to a high profile restaurant. Just saying. We kinda like you guys.

  16. hmmm..i've already gained more than that and i'm at 27 weeks. *jealous* you live in the seattle/tacoma area? I was looking at your bucket list and a few items are near tacoma where i live! cool! And...I'm naming my baby girl Parker after my dad....just noticing the things we had in common!

  17. You seriously don't look like you've gained 20lbs. I was looking at pics from your previous pregnancy and wow, you were all belly. This time around you still are, just a little rounder. The weeks are flying by!

  18. I can't believe you're already 30 weeks along! So exciting! It feels like you just shared your pregnancy news with us. :) Hope everything is going well! And you look fabulous!

  19. You look great! That's still a tiny little belly for 30 weeks! :)

  20. I LOVE the baby bucket list. SO FUNNY. We have the same thing happening at our home. JACI & KORRY added camping a few days ago. AHHHHH! What a fun adventure we have ahead of us. HAHAHA You look cute. BABY #2 looks like he is treating you good, minus the back pain. I am catching up on blogs & your photos are all SO CUTE. Keep us the good work. We hope to see you guys soon.


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