Friday, June 22, 2012

our week by iPhone - week 84

aaaaaaand i'm tired.

are you surprised yet?  even though i cleared a few things off our calendar this week, we still found ways to keep pretty dang busy.  well, maybe it's just parker who is keeping me busy.  by the end of each night he's got me exhausted!  so, sorry for the lack of posts this week... i've been a busy girl trying to catch up on editing from the last few photo shoots during those precious post-bedtime hours & then attempting to get a few hours of sleep where i can.

here's what we fit in during the day time.

monday.  parker was still recovering from sick-weekend so we met up with some friends suffering from the same sickness as us... CABIN FEVER.  we hadn't gotten out of the house all weekend & neither had they, so we took our sick kids to the lake & let them breath some fresh air & throw rocks in the water.  seemed to help.

monday night p-ray wound down from his busy day with some games on the iPhone in his "tent."  it also doubles as the covers on my bed.

tuesday.  started the day off with a visit to my OB to hear baby brother's heartbeat & see what i'm weighing in at these days.  oh boy weight gain is fun.  after the doctor's office it was off to the library to play with puzzles & pick out a few new books.  and oh yeah, if your kid rips a page out of a library book just hope you get lucky & the librarian decides the book was old & needed to be retired anyway... worked for us!

our errands ended with a minor meltdown while loading p-ray up in the car.  it happens.

wednesday.  parker got to spend the official first day of summer with his friends actually enjoying the sun & "playing in the dirt."  we are soooo ready for more days like this around here!

in the meantime?  i got to work from home.  woohoo!

thursday.  can i just explain to you how hard it is to figure out what to eat every day when NOTHING sounds good?  besides carbs & fruits & sweets, anyways.  this day?  that equaled whole wheat bagel & strawberry smoothie lunch.  perfection in muh {big} belleh.

and thursday night?  a photoshoot with one of my favorite families on a perfect night is perfect.

friday.  p-ray & i hung out around the house all morning waiting for Mr. UPS man to deliver my new love lens.  oh hey there 35mm f/1.4L... how YOU doin?

after it arrived {and i sufficiently introduced myself by taking about 100 pictures of parker in about five minutes} we headed over to our homies' house for a last second playdate with a whole bunch of our favorites.  it was too crazy for pictures so you just have to judge how fun it was by parker's squeals of delight from the backseat.  it was that good.


***photos edited via instagram.  do you instagram?  find me @amy_agoodlife & let's picture bond!***
that was our week!  how was yours?  i wanna see, so link up!

Game Rules:
1.  your pictures have to be taken by your camera phone. that's it!  you don't even have to have a picture for every day.  got one camera phone pic of something fun from this week?  link up!

2.  if you want to grab the code below & put it in your post to have the linky with all the thumbnails show up on your blog do it.

and please post a link to my blog so others can come here to grab the code, too.
the more kids who come out to play, the more fun it will be, right?

Grab the code here:

...and get on the linky here:


  1. Looks like nice week with just the right amount of events packed in. Glad Parker is doing better & you got to work from home... :)

  2. love your weekly photos. woot for work at home days!! :)

  3. Yay for sickness being over. I'm ready for sunshine!

  4. What is is about toddlers and exhausting their moms?? I feel the same way lately, maybe it's the babies that are really tiring us out?

  5. I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one struggling with the whole, "I am only eating because I have to" thing. I've had the hardest finding food that sounds good. Bleh. If I wasn't pregnant this would be the best diet ever. :) Can't wait to see your shots with the 35 mm. I have a 30mm and LOVE it. I hardly ever use my 50 since I bought it.

  6. You always have such eventful weeks, we don't do much around here because of school and studying but we always try to get out & have fun somedays!

  7. i hear ya about the weight gain, it sucks. i am only 23 weeks with #2 and i feel like i have gained so much. it's been so bloody hot here too (like 115 degrees hot) and the last thing i want to do is go play outside with my little dude. i feel so bad.

  8. Love the sheet fort! :) And I have lens envy! Enjoy. :)

  9. I'm not surprised you're tired!! I love his little tent under the covers. How cute! You look tiny doing that photo shoot even though you think your belly is big! You look great! Carbs and fruit sounds good to me any day!!!

  10. cant wait to hear about your 35mm! im saving up for a 24-70mm


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