Wednesday, May 30, 2012

weekend wrap-up & a head injury.

and we're back.

we had a nice long weekend down in portland full of family & fun & laziness & productivity & when we got back home monday night i kinda extended all of that into my tuesday.  it was one of those days where laundry was calling & bags needed to be unpacked & there was a whole heckuvalotta things i shoulda been doing & i didn't do any of them.  don't you need one of those days every now & then?  i did, however, walk to the library with a friend & go grocery shopping & make a warm dinner for the fam so i'm chalking the day up as a success.  

our weekend was eventful.  two major things:  parker took a nasty fall down some stairs & hit the back of his head on concrete & we bought a new car.  these things happened within two hours of each other.  

it was one of those moments where you watch something happen & feel so absolutely helpless after the fact.  what's done is done & you can only hope for the best.  sam had been spotting parker down the stairs from his sister's apartment & with about two more to go, asked me to watch him so he could run ahead & get started loading up the car.  my hands were full & i was one step behind parker & i knew i couldn't really spot him like i should but i told sam to go ahead anyway because i thought in my head, shoot, he only had a couple more steps to go & i figured he was fine.  as soon as parker saw sam run ahead, he of course tried to hurry & keep up & got tripped up on his feet & fell on his knees on the step ahead of him & then twisted around & hit the back of his head on the concrete at the bottom of the stairs.  THUD.  he hit HARD.  

the scream wasn't immediate... there was a moment to catch his breath & then came the scream.  a couple good screams & then cries.  there wasn't any blood but he got a pretty good bump & his face went as pale as i'd ever seen it.  his lips were ghost white & he wasn't really responding to any of our questions & wouldn't walk.  the color started returning after a few minutes but i still put a page into our pediatrician who was on-call due to the holiday & we had to wait for a call back.  

ugh, don't google "toddler fall hit head" in these circumstances, folks.  unless you like to freak yourself out beyond what your own mind is already capable of conjuring up.  because at this point i'm already playing worst case scenarios in my mind & how i'll never forgive myself for thinking he'd be fine taking those last two steps on his own.  google doesn't help.

ok, long story short, our pediatrician called back & told us as long as he wasn't vomiting, didn't seem dizzy or disoriented & was walking/talking/running/playing as normal we were probably in the clear.  within half an hour of the fall, he was back to his normal self & never looked back.  but holy crap, it's a full day later & i'm still shuddering at how it could have been worse.   i'm still playing out all the "what-ifs" & "coulda-beens."  how quickly our lives coulda changed.  SCARY.

parenthood is scary.

in other news, we bought a new car this weekend!  it's a 2010 Subaru Outback & i'm pretty much in love with it.  i don't feel like i own quite enough pairs of hiking boots to be the owner of an Outback but i think i'll make due.  it's comfy & spacious & fits our double stroller with ease & i can't wait to tote around two kiddos in my new soccer-mom-mobile.  so forgive me if i'm never online anymore, i'm probably just driving around somewhere aimlessly in the new ride.  

and lastly, a pic of this cute little munchkin hanging out with his dad.  he's just my favorite little guy & i'm pretty sure no post on this blog is quite complete without his little face.  LOVE him.


  1. Totally scary! It's incredible how overpowering that pit-in-the-stomach feeling can be when you think your kid might be hurt. On a happier note, a sincere "congratulations! and yay!" to your new car purchase. I hope I didn't offend you with my "I hate you!" comment earlier today. It's only like 25% jealousy and 75% happiness-for-my-friend that I'm feeling. :) And I'm serious about you taking me for a ride. Can I drive??? Ha!

  2. Ugh, head injuries definitely equal too much scary. Once, about a year ago, my boys were horsing around near our upstairs (metal) gate when Skyler slammed Mason straight into it. A golf ball sized lump rose up in front of my eyes and I was convinced my baby was brain damaged. The worst :(. Glad Parker was none the worse for the wear!

  3. so glad Parker is okay! and hopefully you haven't been traumatized for life! ;) super cool about the car. my sister has a subaru and they love it for their two kids. lots of space. :) well, hope you have a great rest of your week!

  4. Wow! A bad news / good news post! So grateful Parker is OK! Head injuries can be so unpredictable - go either way! Also so thrilled for you about the car - sounds like a fun ride for your growing family...

  5. Poor little guy. Glad he is feeling better. Aiden ran full speed into the corner of our wall one time trying to get away from me and within seconds had a bump the size of a gold ball on his eyebrow. Of course my husband when he saw it was surprised that I didn;t take him to the hospital, but our doctor told me the same things when I called. As long as he is not disoriented, eating and playing then he is fine. I just watched him. Kids...they take years off your life in seconds.

  6. Man, that is scary, and google and webmd never help! Glad he is okay.

  7. oh sweetie, I have been there oh how I have been there and it was only about a month ago. Sae ended up getting a gash and her first trip to the hospital to get a glue stitch and she's fine now but omg if I didn't have nightmares for a few weeks because of it. I still cringe now when I think about it. I am glad it wasn't anything serious and he is ok.

    btw YAY new CAR!!!!~

  8. So scary! We had that happen to our middle child, complete with dry heaving to the point where we were 2 seconds away from heading to the ER. He ended up being totally fine, but it was traumatizing for sure. And it's really hard to get the sound of their head hitting the ground out of your mind! So glad he's ok.

  9. So glad he's ok! My daughter hit her head SO hard the other day, I absolutely freaked out. I was about to take her to the ER but 5 minutes later she's absolutely fine. They're tougher than we give them credit for!!

  10. Poor Parker! Glad to hear he is fine!! And I agree, parenthood is very scary. My 12 month old has bonked her head a couple times and has even fallen off the bed (gasp!!), so I completely understand the "what if's" running through your mind. I still have guilt about the incidents. But we can only learn from our mistakes and try to move on :)

  11. That sounds crazy and I am so glad he is okay. Kids are pretty resilient, but that doesn't make things any easier! :) Also, super jealous of the outback. I would love to have one some day, some day in the far off future! :) Enjoy breaking it in with all of your boys.

  12. That's so scary and I'm glad parker's ok. apart from one fall down the stairs, to which my daughter got up and said "OK", we have (luckily) had no incidents.
    Congrats on the car...more room is always great.


  13. Congratulations on the new car! Such a scary story about Parker, but very glad to hear all is well!!

  14. It is soooo scary. My kiddo did something similar the other day and I thought to myself, "How am I going to handle all the future sports injuries/bike falls/scraped knees of the future?" I'm so glad your little one is A-Okay!

  15. After Peanut's incident with passing out we learned one very important thing: scream = good. No sound = possibly bad. I'm so glad that he's ok! I held my breath the second and third paragraph, feeling myself get nauseous. Parenthood IS scary.

  16. Oh that is so scary! I'm glad he's okay after that big fall. They are just split seconds and you know they could make such a big difference. Ugh. It makes your stomach hurt if you think about it too much.

  17. so so so scary. I am glad he is ok....and PS you can't think about the "what if's"'ll drive yourself nuts!

  18. Little heads hitting things are the most terrifying parent moments for sure! When Kai was 4 months, he learned to jerk backwards from my arms, and he slammed his head on the door jamb... I think I sobbed just as much as he did. Then yesterday he fell off the couch and whacked his head on the coffee table... the kid has a death wish, and Mommy is not so sure her heart can stand it. Glad Parker is doing okay! Guess it's part of being a mom to little boys!

  19. That's so scary!!! I hate when they fall and bump their heads :( Nolan used to purposely bump his against everything. I don't get it!

  20. Poor Parker! I'm just happy that he's ok!

    Congrats on the new car :)


    P.S I have loads of catching up to do! I've missed you guys.

  21. Wow that is scary!!! I'm glad he's ok!!

    Exciting news on the new car! I love those Outbacks! Fun!!

  22. Glad he's ok!! Sorry you guys had a scare like that, I can't imagine...I'm going to be a total wreck when we have kids!


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