Wednesday, January 11, 2012

wordless{ish} wednesday: crappy croup.

remember all that talk of routine, working out & being back in the normal swing of things?  yeah, not happening this week.

my little monster has croup.  the distinctive seal barking started yesterday morning after a few days of a stuffy nose.  his raspy breathing & "stridor" gradually got worse until after {a very short} naptime i knew he was going downhill fast.  i called his pediatrician & within thirty minutes of my call we were sitting in the waiting room.  she looked at him, took his temp {he had a fever} & listened to him struggle to breath.  "yup, croup."  before i knew it they were sticking his leg with a steroid shot & prescribing albuterol treatments.

thank-freaking-heavens for modern medicine.

croup used to be a dreaded & deathly illness.  and it can still be very serious to this day when not treated promptly.  we are headed back to the doctor's office today to make sure he is really getting better & to possibly receive another steroid treatment.  since his pediatrician had just hospitalized a previous patient for RSV, she's not taking this lightly & for that?  i'm grateful.

here's to hoping we get our giggly non-seal-barking p-ray back asap.

{linking up with wordless wednesday at and then she {snapped},  baby baby lemonthe paper mama, & a little king & i}


  1. There seems to be a lot of that going around lately. I'm happy that he is doing better.

  2. get well soon baby!! it's heart breaking to see baby got sick..

  3. poor guy! That is excellent turn around time! Sounds like you have a pretty great ped!

  4. I hope the little guy gets better! Glad he's taking well to the medicine and can be well soon!

  5. Poor guy! I hope he recovers quickly!!

  6. So sad! Cami had that last July...the stridor is unmistakable. I think she got the steroid shot too. I remember a couple nights we were worried about her breathing and put a vaporizer in her room or sat in the steamy bathroom with her. It's so sad! Hope he gets better soon!

  7. oh poor guy!! I hope he gets to feeling better soon!!

  8. omg poor little guy! I hope he gets better quickly and doesn't have to have any more shots!

  9. Praying that little man gets better soooon!

  10. Poor guy!! So happy they were able to catch it quickly and get him on the proper meds!! Hope he gets well soon!

  11. aww hugs to parker.. hope he feels better soon!

  12. oh man, poor babe!! hope he gets better FAST!!! <3

  13. Aww, that sucks! Pretty sure my kids had it before Xmas. Hope he feels better soon!!

  14. oh how adorable.. love the smile on his face..

    Hope he feels better soonest.

  15. Sheesh. Hope he feels better quickly! Nothing worse than a sick baby.

  16. Been thinking about him all day! Anxious for an update...

  17. Oh no, I hope he gets better very very soon! Poor baby, and poor momma!

  18. Croup is just the worst! Get better little man!

  19. poor boy. I hope he gets better. Tell him that Auntie loves him, that should heal him right up. haha
    P.S. I love that picture!

  20. poor p-ray! hoping he gets better soon!!

  21. poor baby. Hope he gets well soon!!!


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