Wednesday, August 24, 2011

wordless{ish} wednesday: nightmares in teething.

the last couple days have been a little hard for parker.  we suspect some serious molar activity is to blame.  he's cut four molars in the last couple weeks which he took like a champ, but now we notice some more gum swelling, he's super sensitive to anything he has to chew & he's been living on squeezy pouches, yogurt, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, string cheese & soft pastas.  they're the only things he won't fling across the room.  poor little guy.

so on days like this,

...we look back fondly at days like this:

...and count the hours until the horrible teething monster gives me back my happy little boy.

molars blow.

what worked for your kiddos through the teething days?  he seems to like ice cubes in those little mesh feeder things & we give him doses of tylenol when he has a fever.  i've never tried any teething tablets {weren't they all recalled??} or teething biscuits.

it's gotta be AWFUL having those things come up through your gums... they just sit there for days in puffy swollen gums, & then when they cut they're like little razorblades shearing their way through his pink skin!

argh, the horror.

{linking up with wordless wednesday at and then she {snapped},  baby baby lemonthe paper mama, & a little king & i}

vote?  maybe it'll ease parker's pain?  probably not, but it's worth a try.
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  1. Ooh, poor little guy! Honestly, even though everyone always gives me crap for it, we use infant orajel. It's one of the only things that would calm K down when she was teething.

  2. We use Orajel too. Honestly, knock on wood, we haven't had it too bad with teething yet. But we are only working on tooth #5. No molars yet. I'm scared.

  3. Aww poor baby:( I am dreading the day my girl starts teething- eek!

  4. I don't recall McKelle having a TERRIBLE time but when she was cranky, I used the highest strength BabyOrajel. It seemed to knock the edge off.

  5. Poor little guy! Love the shot in the trolley! Cool cat!
    My 13 month old is also cutting molars... ouch! Hope it is over soon! :)

  6. I feel ya sister!! We definitely use Baby Orajel and Motrin seems to work better than Tylenol because of its anti-inflammatory effect. Teething biscuits are amazing, give them a try for sure! Hope he feels better soon, teething blows! Poor babies!

  7. aiaiai... poor p-ray. my girl is teething as well, not a devil molar though. we use the infant teething cream as well, but she seems to enjoy eating it... hope he passes this stage soon..

  8. awww, poor parker!! teething definatly stinks!! :( i never heard anything of teething tablets being recalled, and they DO work like a charm!!

  9. poor Baby Boy :( My little lady just cut 2 molars, so I feel your pain! I usually just give her some Baby Tylenol. It works for us. She's always extra fussy so some extra hugs and kisses help too! Hope he feels better soon:)
    Love the pic with his hands behind his head BTW...too cool!

  10. oohh poor guy! i hope it's over soon! I love it when that kid is smiling! We love ourselves some baby orajel to numb it for awhile... hopefully that helps!!

  11. i know...could you imagine what that must feel like?! poor guy...

  12. Molars are definitely the worst! I took Alea an entire month to get her first one in! She now has four and lets just say it's been a rough couple of months in our house. I know they found something in Baby Orajel that has like a .005% chance of causing death (it's very little... but still very scary) so I use the natural orajel and that seems to work really well for her. We scrub that on before giving her a dose of Tylenol or Infant Ibuprofen so she gets some pain relief before the meds kick in.

    Hope those toofers come in quickly for your little man :( Poor guy!

  13. Pictures of this guy hamming it up for the camera always make me smile! But pictures of a sad Parker just break my heart. I was so surprised at how Kale took cutting the first four molars - but now you have me fearing the rest! We normally stick to baby advil when teething is at its worst. And popscicles. Because who doesn't love a good banana popscicle?

  14. Pictures of this guy hamming it up for the camera always make me smile! But pictures of a sad Parker just break my heart. I was so surprised at how Kale took cutting the first four molars - but now you have me fearing the rest! We normally stick to baby advil when teething is at its worst. And popscicles. Because who doesn't love a good banana popscicle?

  15. Ugh - sorry for the double comment. I've explained my issue with posting at work and my collegues name showing up, right?

  16. Poor little guy! Teething sucks. :(

  17. Ouchy! You all have my sympathy...I like the banana popscicle suggestion!

  18. Oh no - poor little guy! I hated this phase with Noah. I never really used the orajel or teething tablets because, while they worked, the relief seemed so temporary (like 10 minutes). I hated giving him medicine unnecessary if it wasn't going to really knock the edge off. Like Olivia said, I found that infant ibuprofen worked better for him than Tylenol because it helped with the swelling. You can only administer it every 6-8 hours versus 4-6 though so on especially bad days I did a Tylenol regime during the day and ibuprofen during the night to help him sleep.

    Noah hated teething rings but loved teething biscuits. I bought the Earth's Best organic ones because they seemed to have a better consistency. Popping a wet washcloth in the freezer and letting him gnaw on that seemed to help too.

  19. my pediatrician says to stay away from orajel... when it wears off they hurt worse.

    tylenol, check.

    what worked for us {besides those amazing mesh bag feeders with ice inside} is frozen waffles, yep. Otter pops. Frozen washrags, amazing. The teething biscuits are really great - messy but great.

    For mama, bubbles... and a bathtub.

  20. Poor Parker :( I never thought teething was bad either, until molars! They really do suck! And Ellie's are taking forever to come in! It sounds like you're doing all the right things.....on warm days like today I give Ellie a popsicle (either outside or in the bathtub)

  21. molars are the worst! seriously. the worst. i'm sorry parker's going through that. totally sucks. i actually didn't give wyatt anything... mostly because i didn't realize he was teething until after it was over and i notice that his molars poked through. yeah, i'm an awesome mother. i just thought he was in a pissed off mood for a few days.

  22. Poor little guy! We did tylenol, orajel and froze wet washcloths for them to chew on.

    That second picture is killing me. =)

  23. I've heard frozen wash cloths are a hit with some kiddies. Hope he feels better soon.

  24. Poor guy! We did teething rings. But the best luck we had was freezing a baby washcloth and giving it to him to chew on. My grandmother suggested it to my mom when I was little and it worked perfectly for noah.

  25. :( ruby is getting her first teeth and a friend recommended i pick up the "highlands" brand teething gel. (not to be confused with the humphries teething pellets) it's an all natural gel so it doesn't actually numb them up but it does seem to help ruby a bit. hope you find something that helps soon and parker begins to feel like his old self again. :)

  26. Poor Parker!! Stella started the teething pain thing super early, and the one thing that has consistantly helped is her Baltic Amber teething necklace. I'm anxious to see how it helps when she actually starts cutting teeth, but she was miserable up until 2 days after we put it on her, totally different baby. She used to try to get her whole hand in her mouth, and would scream if we tried to rub her gums :( she's so much better about it now with the necklace on. We ordered it online from an etsy shop in Latvia, but I know there are local sellers who would be much faster with shipping, ours took about 3 weeks to arrive.

  27. OOH poor lil' man! Those teething days are rough.

  28. We used the teething tablets but then again, they were available when our kids were teeting. I think we used Orajel a few times too....if they would let us put it on their gums without first biting us. Another big hit was cold wet washcloths...not frozen but cold. They chew on them and pull them through their gums and it will actually break the skin open for the molars to pop through. Good luck ;)

  29. Yikes!!! I'm so sorry...I hate seeing a happy kid so sad :(

  30. My boys both have freakishly high tolerances for pain, so I have little advice except frozen fruit in the mesh pouches.

  31. Poor Parker! I'm mortified to say that I was always horrible at being able to tell when he was fussing about teething vs something else. I never really did anything for teething... I always threw those chewy rattle teething toys in the crib, but I don't think he ever used them. During the day, I would give him teething biscuits as a snack sometimes, just for the heck of it, and he really did seem to gnaw down on it and like it. Good luck!

  32. Poor Parker! He looks so pitiful. Will has had his teething troubles, but molars are even more dreaded! Hope he is feeling better very soon!!

  33. Aww.. Poor baby.. My son only has his two bottom front ones out.. He loves baby teething biscuits.. Fingers crossed for the rest of the teething experience..

  34. Poor lil guy!! Hopefully it'll pass quickly!

  35. So sorry! Hope Parker feels better soon...and you all get back to normal soon!

  36. Poor guy! I'm so happy that Landon has cut most of his teeth. He's still got a couple more to come in. We used the teething tablets before they were recalled and loved them. They worked so well with Landon. Apparently they are fine now or came out with a new brand because I caught a glimpse of some in the store the other day. We started using baby Orajel after that and it didn't seem to work as well for Landon. Oh, and on the Tylenol front...we use Motrin. It definitely works better for Landon than Tylenol does. But, that could be different with every baby.

  37. Poor Parker! Even when he is crying, he is still super cute though! :-)
    I'm dreading Ellie's 2 year molars! She has all of her other get a reprieve for quite a few months of after the first molars come in...but then there is the dreaded 2 year molars...I hear those are the worst!
    ♥ Kyna

  38. the highlands teething tablets WERE recalled but they are now back on the market and I HIGHLY suggest them. They are like a magic little tablet, they help my little man so much!

  39. I asked my pediatric dentist and he said that Motrin is the best for teething. It's not only the red, swollen gums that are sore when teething, but also down in the bone where the teeth are moving. Orajel helps with the gums, but not with the deep down ache. We use Motrin all the way.

  40. They were recalled but I did some research and still used the Hyland's teething tablets. Also let her chew on frozen washcloths and eat frozen waffles. I even tried Tylenol a few nights but it didn't seem to help. Good luck! Teething is the worst.


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