this kid lives to hang out with his dad. all that time spent with me during the day? he's just passing the time until dad gets home.
ok, maybe that's an exaggeration. but seriously, this little boy has the word "daddy" on repeat. all. day. long. first thing in the morning after his diaper's changed & we leave his room to get breakfast, parker cranes his neck to look in our bedroom to see if sam's in there. "daddy?" when he sees that our room is empty, his little smile quickly fades & a look of disappointment takes over.
yeah, sorry parker. you're stuck with me today. the one who makes your breakfasts & lunches, changes your diapers, takes you for runs, takes you on play dates, & reads you endless stories all day long, every weekday.
how disappointing.
but it's ok. i'm pretty sure i'm ok being chosen second when sam's around. it's kinda fun for them to have "their thing". because sam misses out on so much when he's away all day at work, i like that parker makes up for it when he's at home. and maybe parker knows sam doesn't get to experience warm post-nap baby cheeks every day like i do {they are THE best!}. he doesn't get to have long jibberish-filled conversations in the car every day on the way to stroller strides either. so even though i'm an afterthought once dad comes home, it's ok because we've already had our time.
so maybe i'm not actually second place after all... maybe parker just knows how to share the love evenly? yeah, that's it. at least, that's what i'm gonna tell myself the next time parker chooses to watch sam mow the lawn through the window over cuddletime on the couch with me. seems easier that way.
and did you know that voting for us is super super easy? two clicks, that's it.

Most adorable picture. Ever.
ReplyDeleteI kinda get how you feel, although I'm not a Mum, I'm 'just' the nanny. I do all the crappy jobs like clean up after them all day, take them to and from school, the park, shops etc.. and then all the good jobs like seeing their 'firsts' - First time they manage to flip a tiddlywink into the pot, first time they ride their bike without stabilisers, heck, even first time they manage to beat Bowser at the end of Mario Bros.. But the moment their parents walk in the door, they turn to me to ask when I'm going. Gratitude!
This photo is priceless!! How sweet! Don't worry, little boys love their mama's more than anyone in the whole world throughout their entire lives:)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is four now. and she's always loved her daddy but lately she has become obsessed with him - she asks about him first thing, when I say he's at work she actually pouts and gets sad. She asks all day when he's coming home and once he's home she pretty much wants nothing to do with me! Lol!
ReplyDeleteThat picture is precious! Love it. I hope my son is the same way with is Daddy. My Dad was never around so I know the value of Daddy time. :) It's such a sweet sight. xo.
ReplyDeleteLiam is the same way. Every morning he looks at me and asks for "dada?" and every morning he seems a little disappointed it's just me. Seems he only wants me when he's upset...his way of showing me the love I guess ;) Such a cute picture!!
ReplyDeleteJoining in on the "Mommy's Second" club. Mason screams DA-DA!!! over and over again all day long, especially if Dada is indeed sleeping in the other room (he works nights) and begs for him to hold him all the time. Me? No thanks, he'd rather run and play. And scream. Ugh.
ReplyDeletei feel this way about my dogs seems like they def. like to cuddle with dale more than me!!
ReplyDeleteyou seriously have an ADORABLE kid. one of the cutest i've seen.
I like the idea that he's just spreading the love. :) So much to go around.
ReplyDeleteHe he. Sweet photo. I like the way you look at it.
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya, sister...And this just might be my favorite-ever picture!
ReplyDeleteoh jeez girl. you know you're number 1.
ReplyDeleteParker is getting so big. He looks like such a big boy in that picture. He is so smart to. Why wouldn't you use the toy drum to help you look through the window? Its only common sense.
ReplyDeleteLOOOOOOVEEEEEEE that picture!!! ahhh it makes my heart speed up!
ReplyDeletecarter loves his daddy TONS too, like he doesn't even try to be discreet about it. i'm totally ok with being second though. sitting back and watching them together is one of my fav things to do.
awesome post
Love the picture! It's comforting to know that even though your H works outside of the home M-F, he & P-Ray share a special bond! I'm sure he's trying to spread the love evenly. :)
ReplyDeleteI'll have to have Garrison read this because he's feeling like number 2 these days. I spend all day with Henry and still he's like, "Mama? Mama? MAMMMMAAAMMMMAA?!?!" Every second he's with Garrison. We're not sure how to break this (I don't mind it so much ;) Poor Garrison though. I think you're right in that Parker's probably like, "mama?" when he's with his dad. Kid's always seem to want the opposite of what they have. Hang in there, I hope he starts Mama-iing soon. Cute picture!
ReplyDeleteGirl, I feel ya. I'm totally #2 in my house!! I'm ok with that! We are so blessed to have amazing husbands and how could our kiddos NOT adore them?? I like to think she sees me adoring him, and she just follows in my footsteps!
ReplyDeleteSeriously he is so cute. I love how his jams don't fit his feet well enough and his footies stick out. He's soo cute you always capture the most perfect pictures of him!
ReplyDeleteLove that little P-ray and yeah Kingston says Dad all day long and now I am Daddy and his Dad is Dad.
Lame! Say MOM kid!
The Mouse is the same way. Husband and I joke that the Mouse is his kid and Froggy is mine ... until the Froggy stops being a squishy baby and knows the difference between mom and dad. ::sigh::
ReplyDeleteHaha, I feel your pain- story of my life!
ReplyDeleteoh my word that picture is precious!!! he will go thru phases like that with his favorites his whole life. dont take it personally. i dont think you are. you have a good idea of his equal love for you both!! :)