today's question comes from shannon via facebook. she asked, "what's in your purse?"
i only carry a purse when i go into the office one day a week. the six other days? i proudly rock the diaper bag. here she is:
this beauty has been our bag since the day parker was born. it was given to me as as shower gift & i have never wanted any other one. sam isn't afraid to carry it & it has a place for everrryything. seriously, you can pack a week's worth of crap in here. not that you'd want to.
here's what it looks like when i dump it out:
let's break it down.
whenever we're out & about it's inevitable that parker will probably get restless at some point. i always have a go-to stash of toys that he can hold onto while in the stroller or carseat. cars, books, & a well loved sophie were stuffed in there today.
if toys don't tame the monster, then chances are some snacks will do the trick. goldfish keep his hands busy when given to him one at a time, or for more serious hunger issues i go for the squeezy pouch. aka: "the best thing ever invented for babies on the go."
you can usually find a clif bar or two since they're my own go-to snack & lately parker's been digging them as well. two birds, one bar.
this is a given. dipes & wipes. we prefer target's up & up brand for diapers, & costco brand wipes. they haven't failed us yet... fourteen months & counting.
then there's the stuff for me. i have to carry my own pens since i refuse to write with regular old ballpoint. it's true, i'm a pen snob. keys, wallet & sunnies are stuffed in an easily accessible shallow zipper pocket at the top. it's all about convenience when you're juggling a kid & the such as.
and there you have it. my bag & its typical contents.
and since it's real hard for me to have a post without a dose of p-ray, here's what he may or may not have been doing while i was exploring the diaper bag...
no accidents took place during the making of this post.
thanks for your votes guys, we're moving right on up.

nakey play time is the best!!!! I'm totally a pen snob, too. God help us should someone try to swipe a pen from me!!!
ReplyDeleteMy question is about fitness as a parent (like exercise, not legal ability to raise a child). You and Sam seems like really active, healthy, balanced people; how do you plan to raise Parker to have good healthy lifestyle habits (like eating well and exercising)? Obviously you guys are already setting a great example! I ask because I'm in the middle of my own personal journey to get fit so that I can be a good role model for our future kiddos, and sometimes my motivation can definitely lag. I just think its so important for kids to grow up with a healthy attitude towards food and exercise.
Love the baby bum! So cute! :)
ReplyDeleteQuestion for you ... I love your blog and would love to follow in your foot steps! I LOVE blogging. It truly is therapy for me. I love meeting new people and getting to know others from around the world. I love trading experiences with others. How long did it take for you to gain your following?
Fun post - but how does he not pee during all his naked time?
ReplyDeleteMy question is one I like to think about myself a lot. Let's say the days were 30 hours long and Parker slept for the extra 6 hours, but you didn't. What would you do in the extra time?
Wow! I do not think I was ever that organized! Impressive! And a sweet closing shot...
ReplyDeleteomg nakey baby time!! What we carry is really similar (minus a few swaps here and there because Sae's older) I love target up and up's too.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right.. those squeezy pouches are life saves. Bennett STILL eats them and he's probably a bit old for them, but whatever. Ha ha.
ReplyDeleteI spy a nakey bum!!!!!!!!!! Love seeing what's in your bag! Umm...I think I need to clean mine out though :) Yikes mine is FULL.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! And holy organized. There is so much crap in mine, I should probably clean it out, lol :)
ReplyDeleteAnd your little boy is so adorable!
We have a lot of the same stuff in our bag. I've been meaning to do a "what's in my bag" post for awhile. Thanks for reminding me!
ReplyDeleteAnd Parker? Holy moly the cuteness!
Oh I'm a huge pen snob too! I love looking at these "what's in your purse" posts. :) i'm new to your blog but may I just say that Parker is absolutely GORGEOUS. I love his ame too!
ReplyDeleteNew follower, please stop on by when you get a chance:
I wasn't a pen snob til I met Kasey. He's terrible! Funny that I never knew we had that in common.
ReplyDeleteHere's a question: I know you had several names picked out before you had Parker. Have you ever wished that you had picked one of those other names? Not that I don't love that name,because I do and it fits him, I'm just curious.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute little BUM!
I love to see what is in other people's bags! I always feel like I carry everything but the kitchen sink and lots of friends kid me about that but I am always the one that has what they need when they forget it!
ReplyDeletelove the naked bum!
Nakey time is definately the best! What a cutie! xxx
ReplyDeleteWe have those Sesame Street lil' books too! The best thing I've bought for Henry, I swear. He'll play with them and eat them for hours and they travel great. Henry has started liking Cliff Bars too, which is awesome but also sucks because now I can never eat one with out a "MORRRRRE? MORRRREEE?" and some frantic chest rubbing, sign languaged "Please" from the back seat.