Tuesday, June 28, 2011

fourteen months.

wow, it seems like forever ago that i wrote parker's thirteen month post.  this last month went super slow to me, but not because of parker.  he's officially fourteen months now {turned that way on the twenty-sixth} and seriously more fun than ever.  i know, i know.  i say that every month.

but no, seriously.  fourteen month old parker is the best parker yet.
he seems to have taken a break from the tantrums this month & has just been super happy.  i mean he has his moments {read: epic battles over diaper changes & car seats}, but mostly he's a super happy easy going kid.  i think we've really hit our groove this month.  we have a great routine {maybe "a day in the life" post is in order?} & we've kinda figured out what works as far as meal times/naptime/bedtime stuff.  for now.  i know as soon as a person says something like that everything changes  : : : knocks on wood : : : 

the biggest milestone parker has hit this month is the ability to sign.  he's really picked up sign language & has mastered about four or five signs.  he tells us he's "all done" when he's full:

{signing "all done"}

...and he signs "please" for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g he wants.  he'll sign for "more" while eating & we're working on "drink" & "milk" and he's getting close.  he waves "hi" & "bye" and says the words mama, dada, ball, dog, wow, night-night, banana, duck, & no.  he's still not walking on his own but he's taken a few independent steps & he walks everywhere while holding on to one of our hands. 

he thinks everything is a phone & will hold just about anything up to his ear & say "yeah?"

the kid is obsessed with books.  if he catches you sitting on the couch, he will crawl full speed to you with a book in his hand & sign "please" until you pick him up & read it.  he turns the pages & then as soon as it's done he's back down on the floor off to get another one.

his best friend in the whole world is his dad & they love to wrestle, play "catch", build towers to knock down, watch sports, & read books.  

he has eight teeth & loves brushing them.  he is wearing all 12-18 month clothes, size four diapers, & is completely off of bottles & formula.  he goes to bed at 8:30, sleeps til 7:30ish, & naps at about 1 to 3ish.  his favorite meal is lasagna & if he could only eat one food it would definitely be cheese.  he would spend hours in his bath if he could, splashing the water like crazy & watching his toys rock around in the waves.  we think he has an imaginary friend that rides in the back of the car with him.  he sits back there & laughs & giggles & tells stories & giggles some more.  it's the most hilarious thing & totally makes me feel like a soccer mom to be carting around this little giggly boy in the back seat.

he's totally turning into a toddler.  when i need to grab him to leave for errands or from a playdate, or i approach him to take something away, he turns around & sprint crawls full speed ahead.  this is one reason why i'm fine with him not walking yet... i'm not ready for him to run away from me!  but i know with toddlerhood comes a bunch of other fun things & i'm starting to see a whole different side of him as this fun, silly, mischievous, crazy little boy.  

and?  he is still so dang cute.

love this kid.

and i love your votes too.  truly. madly. deeply.
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  1. Gosh! He is so sweet! Love this post; very nice record for month #14! So cool about the signing part...

  2. He really is pretty dang cute. So cute I just had to vote for you guys. ;)

  3. My kid isn't walking either! I find it comforting that my kid is not the only (almost) 14 month old not walking. He's the biggest crawler in his nursery class at church, it honestly looks weird when a little 8 month old girl frankenstein walks by him, lol. I know once he starts walking, I'll regret wishing for it. I think our boys should meet one day, lol. Seriously, when I read your Parker updates, it's like I'm reading whats going on with us. Keep it up! :)

  4. Super cute! How was the transition from bottle to no bottles?

  5. Wow!! He is getting sooo big! I love these! Adorable!

  6. i was thinking of my Alana (17 month), p-ray is pretty fast developing kid, and no bottle at all, you kidding me!! cool though, i plan to knock that off once we are back to Switzerland... changing routine...

  7. I agree - 14-month-old Parker is the best yet! He is so much fun to have around.

  8. Aww, he is seriously too cute! You are one lucky mama!

  9. Are you a professional photographer? Or is your baby just super photogenic?

  10. Awh, he is too cute! That's really cool about the signing, I was thinking of teaching my daughter. What age did you start showing him signs and when did he start picking up on them?

  11. He is such a cute little thing, I'm telling ya (not that you need anyone to tell you, though)! ;) That smile is A-dor-a-ble!

    I love that you are teaching him to sign! I wish I would have done that with my girls when they were babies, but it's not too late (my grandma taught me when I was a little older) so maybe I'll start this summer/fall along with our French.

  12. Happy 14 months, Parker!
    I adore when kids sign "please"....it's the cutest thing ever and you cannot say no to that!
    Parker is such a little ham. Too cute :)

  13. aw he is cute. 14 months was one of my favorite stages... but who am i kidding i love them all - event he temper tantrum throwing 22 months ;)

  14. I have to agree...he's still too cute for words! Love that little phone photo (or whatever he's holding). 14 months is a really fun age, but it only gets better. :)

  15. I love that P-Ray can sign! He gets more adorable every month...which seems impossible, but so true!

  16. I am loving his bed head in the first two pictures. It so cute. He is getting so big. love him

  17. Oh man, I think T and Parker would be best buds. They sound so similar!

    I do have to say, that 14 months has been my favourite, by far. I feel like I am finally getting things figured out (took long enough).

    Although I do miss when Little T crawled everywhere, the walking and climbing onto everything is KILLING me. Enjoy it while you can!!

  18. So fun! Such a cute little guys you have there! Love that you are doing sign language with him. I look forward to seeing Will at 14 months!

  19. He has the most beautiful eyes, what a sweet boy!

  20. What a sweet pea, I can't believe how big he's getting!

    Love the pics of p-ray and sam playing. You can see how much he loves his dada.

  21. Every month was my favorite age too! =]

    Parker is a CUTIE!!!!

  22. Sounds like he's doing AMAZING! So awesome that he's doing sign language so well, it sure helps when they communicate what they want :) I swear after that first birthday time just FLIES by. Where did that teeny baby go???

  23. That first picture is just perfection. 14 months is such a fun age!


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