wow, it seems like forever ago that i wrote parker's
thirteen month post. this last month went super slow to me, but not because of parker. he's officially fourteen months now {turned that way on the twenty-sixth} and seriously more fun than ever. i know, i know. i say that every month.
but no, seriously. fourteen month old parker is the best parker yet.
he seems to have taken a break from the tantrums this month & has just been super happy. i mean he has his moments {read: epic battles over diaper changes & car seats}, but mostly he's a super happy easy going kid. i think we've really hit our groove this month. we have a great routine {maybe "a day in the life" post is in order?} & we've kinda figured out what works as far as meal times/naptime/bedtime stuff. for now. i know as soon as a person says something like that everything changes : : : knocks on wood : : :
the biggest milestone parker has hit this month is the ability to sign. he's really picked up sign language & has mastered about four or five signs. he tells us he's "all done" when he's full:
{signing "all done"} |
...and he signs "please" for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g he wants. he'll sign for "more" while eating & we're working on "drink" & "milk" and he's getting close. he waves "hi" & "bye" and says the words mama, dada, ball, dog, wow, night-night, banana, duck, & no. he's still not walking on his own but he's taken a few independent steps & he walks everywhere while holding on to one of our hands.
he thinks everything is a phone & will hold just about anything up to his ear & say "yeah?"
the kid is obsessed with books. if he catches you sitting on the couch, he will crawl full speed to you with a book in his hand & sign "please" until you pick him up & read it. he turns the pages & then as soon as it's done he's back down on the floor off to get another one.
his best friend in the whole world is his dad & they love to wrestle, play "catch", build towers to knock down, watch sports, & read books.
he has eight teeth & loves brushing them. he is wearing all 12-18 month clothes, size four diapers, & is completely off of bottles & formula. he goes to bed at 8:30, sleeps til 7:30ish, & naps at about 1 to 3ish. his favorite meal is lasagna & if he could only eat one food it would definitely be cheese. he would spend hours in his bath if he could, splashing the water like crazy & watching his toys rock around in the waves. we think he has an imaginary friend that rides in the back of the car with him. he sits back there & laughs & giggles & tells stories & giggles some more. it's the most hilarious thing & totally makes me feel like a soccer mom to be carting around this little giggly boy in the back seat.
he's totally turning into a toddler. when i need to grab him to leave for errands or from a playdate, or i approach him to take something away, he turns around & sprint crawls full speed ahead. this is one reason why i'm fine with him not walking yet... i'm not ready for him to run away from me! but i know with toddlerhood comes a bunch of other fun things & i'm starting to see a whole different side of him as this fun, silly, mischievous, crazy little boy.
and? he is still so dang cute.
love this kid.
and i love your votes too. truly. madly. deeply.