Thursday, May 26, 2011

thirteen months.

was anyone wondering if i'd keep up the monthly updates now that p-ray's turned one?  well, if you were {and i'm sure i'm talking to approximately one of you} the answer is yes.  i am.  because this is parker's baby book of sorts & he is changing so much month to month that i gotta stay on it.

so here we go.  thirteen months.

no sock monkey this year.  we've upgraded to the sock zebra.  and no messing around with laying flat down on a blanket either... we sit on a couch now.  because we're one.

parker has changed like crazy in the last month.  every day he learns a new word & becomes so much more boy like.  he has the sweetest little voice & i love our conversations.  i have no idea what he's saying, but it sure is sweet.  the words he does say are dada, mama, ball, duck, wow, uh oh, night-night, no, & nana (banana).  he gives big wet kisses & the best hugs.  he loves to read books & watch picture slideshow on the apple tv.  he is super ticklish around his armpits & thighs & if you tickle him with your toes he loses it.  he still hates diaper changes more than anything & has even told me "no no no no" when i lay him down to change him.  he knows that his socks & shoes go on his feet & he's been found with my tennis shoes on more than once.

when he sees something cool he points, usually with his middle finger, & says "whooooa" with a loud gasp of amazement.  he does this with our ceiling fan multiple times a day.  he loves playing chase & being chased.  he is walking while holding on with one hand & will hopefully take off on his own this coming month.  who knows.

he has learned to complain & fuss & has thrown a couple legit temper tantrums this month.  he even screamed at the top of his lungs with a red face when i dared to buckle him in to the cart at target.  this is all very new to me.

he loves his blanket like nobody's business & takes it with him everywhere he goes.  he grabs onto it when i pull him out of his crib in the morning & reaches for it during story time at night.  it's his bff.

he still takes a bottle first thing in the morning & last thing at night {mostly because i want to burn through the last of our formula supply} & is on whole milk with meals.  his diet is worthy of a post all in itself but so far his favorite foods are lasagna, squeezy pouches {anything from a squeezy pouch}, yogurt, toast, & cheese.  he prefers to drink everything from a straw.

he's wearing all twelve to eighteen month clothes, size four diapers, size four or five shoes, & sleeps about twelve hours a night {eight to eight... most days}.  he has eight teeth.

and he is still so dang cute.

love this kid.

love your votes too. fer reals.
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  1. He is SO cute. I love when they start babbling away :)

  2. So cute! :D You should record his baby talk.

  3. Love it! The sock zebra is awesome. :)

  4. So dang cute is right! Don't you love how kids are so happy with simple pleasures, a ceiling fan, a blanket, simple foods. It's so humbling.

  5. So dang cute! What is it about those squeezy pouches? Pie loves them too and gets all squirmy and happy when she sees them.

  6. Aw, love him!!! This age is seriously the BEST!

  7. Well you are right, he is SO dang cute. And when is that kid going to learn that sticking out his middle finger isn't socially acceptable!? ;-)

  8. so adorable!!!! youre such a lucky momma

    p.s. i think i might be that one lone reader you were talking about. I love seeing the updates every month

    [sweet life of a southern wife]

  9. Go P-Ray! Sounds like he is growing by leaps and bounds on you, mama! He is too stinkin' cute. I love that his blanket is his BFF. We had a blanket around here for the first year or so. But then we graduated to a "big boy toy" and carry a stuffed dog. :)

  10. I was wondering if you'd keep up the monthly updates too! Glad you are. He is SUCH a cute baby!

  11. It's cool that you're keeping up on the picture thing. That is going to make one great baby book! He is dang cute. This stage is so fun!

  12. his sweet smile just KILLS me!! a lot of this sounds so familiar :) where do these little guys learn to throw such fierce tantrums out of the blue?!?!

  13. he is such a cutie!! happy 13, get ready for the tantrums. it just started....

  14. Great update - glad to see you are continuing with them! Yay for almost walking!!

  15. smarty pants lance he is!! ive always figured i would be doing posts like this until he graduates. "today corbin is one hundred months old..." haha

  16. oh he's so adorable! i love it so much!

  17. I die. He is precious and soo happy!

  18. isn't crazy how quickly they seem to "grow up" from 12 months to 13 months? I think I've called the boy a 'small adult' or a 'little kid' numerous times this month.

  19. Awww. So adorable!

  20. He is so dang CUTE!!! Makes me smile every time :)

  21. I wish I had done the month thing (even just a month photo) but never 'had the time' but then you never get it back, so kudos to you to keep it up, it is something he will really appreciate looking back on.

  22. Love him Love your photos Love your blog style... can i say Love you after all...

  23. He is dang cute for sure! Miss you all! Great post with lots of info...

  24. He is so cute! These are great always.

  25. Adorable child and loving the smiles:)


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