we had parker's twelve month check up yesterday & in my head it was the very last thing of all of the turning-one-year-old events. we had the party, we had the actual birthday, and now we've officially had the one-year weigh in & shots. it's official, my baby's baby-days are quickly transforming into toddler-days.
for all of you who are wondering... because i'm sure there is approximately one or two of you who are, parker weighs 22.8 pounds (40th percentile), & is 29 inches tall (20th percentile). before you get all "holy crap your baby is short" on me, keep in mind he's been in the 10th percentile at his last two check ups, so graduating to the 20th has me feeling like we have a future shawn bradley on our hands {he is 7'6"}.
don't burst my bubble.
anywho, p-ray is officially a one year old. he's been that way for two whole weeks now & he seems to have changed into a little boy over night. i mean seriously, i just watch him & wonder where the heck he came from. just when i was getting used to the idea of having a baby, i now have to accept the idea that i have a kid. and someday i'll have to accept that i have a pre-schooler, or a teenager, or a college student.
but right now? i have a kid. and he does silly kid things. like eat snacks, & brush his teeth, & hold the telephone up to his ear & giggle, & take huge sips of water then let it dribble out of his mouth because i can't help but laugh, & make sound effects while pushing around toy cars. he throws things when he gets mad, he gets into things he shouldn't, & he usually ignores me when i'm trying to get his attention for pictures.
but i'm pretty sure he's the coolest kid i know. i mean seriously? what other twelve month old do you know who pops his collar? i swear, p-ray did that all on his own.

Such cute photos of your little man! He wears the popped collar well!! Glad to hear his check up was all good news!
ReplyDeleteThat kid is C.U.T.E. cute!
ReplyDeleteHe is a sweetheart and a little bad ass. Popping his collar. Too cute.
ReplyDeletehe is so cute & always looks SO happy!
ReplyDeleteAwe, I love how you described everything he does. I totally felt the same..Its like I just got use to the baby and then bam...I had a toddler. Love the pics of Parker. He is such a cutie.
ReplyDeletehe such a doll face Amy! And dont talk about preschool and teen years your giving me anxiety!
ReplyDeleteHe is pretty stinking adorable - I don't know anyone at 1 that pops their collar!
ReplyDeletehe is cute. my little man is a tad bit short {i blame dad} but i have high hopes ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha I love when little boys pop their collars :)
ReplyDeleteha! those things remind me all too well of my own "one week away from being a 1 year old"! It's amazing how quickly they change! have I mentioned how adorable he is?!?! goodness, his cuteness is TOO much!
ReplyDeleteyou forgot to mention your little toddler is actually getting some hair :) Defiantly a milestone. LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures! :)
ReplyDeletehe's not even my child and even i'm in shock that he's one! I remember reading your blog when he was just itty bitty. anyways, mr. parker is looking as handsome as ever!
ReplyDeleteParker has the funniest faces these days, I love it!
ReplyDeleteHe seriously is the sweetest!
ReplyDeleteParker is perfect. Those charts are hosh posh. These pictures are to die for! I love them the first one and the one with the sippy cup is my fav. You must teach me my friend and Just wait till he walks! He'll never let you take a picture of him again without it being the back of his head. I take a bagillion and end up with like 5 in the end all of them are in motions. Yay for one year olds!!!
ReplyDeleteok...he is way too cute! love these pictures... could he get any adorable?!!
ReplyDeleteI know I only see Parker in photos, but I can tell he has so much personality. I'm glad he keeps you smiling and laughing.
ReplyDeleteMeep! He is TOO cute. Those brown eyes are adorable, and he pretty much is the coolest 12 monther ever. No doubt.
ReplyDeleteI love the first picture of Parker. he looks so adorable! And your edit is great!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap his faces make me laugh so hard. We need to set a auntie and parker play date soon. I'm having withdrawals. So sad I can't watch him this week. Totally bummed!
ReplyDeleteWow. P-Ray even LOOKS like a toddler in these pics!
ReplyDeleteHaha. I love this!
ReplyDeleteSO much character packed into this little man!
ReplyDeleteThey grow way too fast! He is way too cute. Seriously with the collar!
ReplyDeletei love your child.
ReplyDeleteAME!! He's getting so big! I can't stand it. He looks SOOOO old! .... Which means it's time for a visit.
ReplyDeletelove love love love that 2nd to the last one of his profile with the sippy cup. his eyes, his lips. awwww, too cute!
ReplyDeleteGreat Post!
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Can't believe how big he's getting! He is definitely not a baby anymore!
ReplyDeleteOur little men are really similar! He loves talking on the phone, spitting water everywhere & even popping his collar too! :)
ReplyDeleteIsn't it scary how fast they're growing up!