our long weekend started off with a surprise visit from my niece jessica & her fiance brandon. she called me wednesday night to let me know they were gonna drive up from utah on thursday & hang out all day friday. it was good times. we hadn't met brandon & he had never been to the pacific northwest so it was good getting to know him & introducing him to the best coast.
the day consisted of a walk through the farmer's market {where we totally had to buy pepperoni sticks & roasted nuts... it's tradition}, lunch at lemongrass, & a tour of the capitol building.
parker & sam enjoyed testing the echo-y acoustics of the capitol.
every tour of the capitol has to end with a rub of george washington's nose. it's good luck. so to jessica & brandon: if all goes well with the wedding planning & such, you'll know why. if not? don't say i didn't try.
it was a pretty good day.
jessica & brandon took off early afternoon so p-ray, sam & i did some outlet shopping & may or may not have found a dive serving the BEST milkshakes ever. you know it's good because i used all caps & i never do that. also, there are no pictures of that part because there was no time for messing around with a camera when there were things to do like shove chocolate oreo milkshake into my belly. i'm sure you understand.
and that was just friday. saturday was pretty epic too... it involved mini-goats, baby ducks, & pink pigs. but that'll all be posted tomorrow.
how was your weekend?
my weekend could only get better if ya clicked twice to vote. thanks!