welp here we are. one year old. time flies when you're having fun, yeah?
i look back at parker's
monthly pics & i hardly remember that little one month old who stared blankly up at me & cooed. but that may or may not be because that first month was a sleep-deprived blur. i look back at the 2, 3, 4+ month old pics & those ones? feel like yesterday.
and then here we are. one year old. parker's birthday came & went & i never did get super emotional about it. everyday with him gets more & more fun & i wouldn't go back in time for the world. he picks new things up on the daily & is figuring things out so fast it's like i can actually see the gears in his brain turning. he is so affectionate & loves everyone he meets. he gives the best hugs & his face lights up when he sees people he knows.
i'm pretty sure he's growing, but we won't know for sure just how much until his one year appointment next week. but just check this kid out... he officially dwarfs sock monkey.
please ignore the tightness of his one year shirt... i ordered him a size twelve months & it fits him like a muscle tee. and yes, this was the best picture of the bunch. what qualifies it as the best? he's laying on his back with his feet out. which as you can see by the photos below is a pretty big deal.
parker changed a TON this last month. he's really started communicating & jabbering non-stop. he says mama, dada, baby, ni-ni {g'night}, & other sounds that debatably mean something. he signs "all done" & "more" & loves to clap when he gets excited. he still loves to play "where's parker?" and giggles as he covers up his eyes until he's "found." he's not walking yet but he gets where he needs to go & gets there quickly. he stands up, he cruises around, he gets back down, he sits up, & he crawls on his way. walking just doesn't seem to be on his radar yet.
he still hates diaper changes & getting dressed. his favorite time of day is when dad gets home & he is glued to him until bedtime. he loves anything that rolls & will play with his basketball, racquetball, or soccer ball for hours. he is the best self-entertainer ever. i can get completely ready for the day while parker crawls around my room & plays with toys. he especially loves to park in front of our full length mirror & check out his reflection. he's officially dropped his second nap & is a one-napper. he goes to bed at eight pm, wakes up for the day around eight-thirty, & naps from about noon to two. not a bad schedule.
he is taking three to four eight ounce bottles of formula a day & eating three meals of solids like a champ. he's wearing eighteen month onsies, size four diapers, & twelve to eighteen month clothes. although, i still squeeze him in some of his six to twelve month clothes because i'm not ready to pack them up yet. ok, so maybe i am sentimental afterall.
and? he is still so dang cute.
love this kid.
i love your votes too. i really really do.