Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hot vliggity vlog.

here it is!  our first vlog.  there's quite a few people playing along today, so be sure to visit their blog vlogs too.  the questions i answer in this video were asked by jennifer at eighty mph mom.  she hosts a vlog hop every monday, & we're doing it today.

the questions:

1.  is there anything blooming in your front yard?
2.  what do you think of american idol & the new judges?
3.  tell us something that happened to you last week!

{please ignore the part where my child takes a bite of a box & chews on it while i continue to talk completely unaware.  paper is totally edible.  and also, it's worth watching all the way through to the end... if p-ray's grin at the end doesn't put a smile on your face?  i don't know what will.}

here's a list of all the other bloggers we vlogged in conjunction with today!  check them out, yo.

K.B. SquaredAdeline's Daddy        

{ps: what'd you guys think? ya feeling the vlogging? if y'all are into it this could be made a regular thing. if it's a no-go, i'll stick with just posting pretty pictures & writing my rambling words from now on. i'm on the fence about it.}

Vote For Us @!
vote for us on top baby vlogs! er... blogs.


  1. Is it totally weird to say that I didn't think that's what you would sound like?! It is? Okay, whatever. I said it anyways! I always read blogs in the way that I think their voice would sound, also really weird, so I'm happy that now I can put a voice to yours! YAYY!

  2. Baahahaa! I love how Parker is just nomming on the box while you talk! Hilarious! kind of remind me of Helen Hunt. I don't know why! Haha!

  3. Also, I laughed SO HARD that we both talked about Target! Hahaha!!!

  4. Love the vlog! Agreed on the judges- and how about JLo's sensual shaving and shampoo commercials that won't leave me alone. I keep asking myself if this is a joke, but deep down I know it's not. And I think I just caught whatever you had- I'm sipping hot tea with lemon hoping I can kick it soon :)

  5. omg you're killing me! you're nothing like i thought you'd be! and you DO remind me of helen hunt too! and also, preeeeeeeeeeetty.

  6. I love that I will be able to hear your voice in my head when I'm reading your blog now- I always imagined it a little higher. And I'm not as crazy as that sounds :) And Parker totally stole the show!

  7. It's always fun to hear a blogger's voice for the first time! Parker is adorable. I loved that you could see the little piece of paper in his mouth. And that grin - so cute!

  8. I suppose I'll add my thoughts and say that I imagined your voice a bit higher too! Weird. But Parker's grin is super cute, and your hair is pretty and curly. It's fun to see a you guys live!

  9. I loved that - we should do this all the time. You are beautiful!

  10. Hi Amy! It's so nice to meet you - this is really your first vlog? You look like an old pro :)

    Parker is just too cute for words - love him!

    I'm on the fence about Jennifer Lopez as a judge. I will say that they are all much nicer. I didn't see the clip of Steven Tyler that you talked about but yeah, that does sound creepy.

    Thanks for mingling - I hope you'll join in again!

  11. Very cool - but Parker did steal the show a bit! LOL We kept laughing at him... We don't watch 'Idol' either but I agree Steven Tyler is creepy and fascinating at the same time in a scary way - kinda like a snake, if that makes sense. Loved your vlog - maybe our skyping helped prepare you for the big time...very well done!

  12. A vlog? How cool is that? I want to try! I want to try!

    Happy Wednesday Dear! xo

    Oh, and pop by today for my perfume GIVEAWAY!

  13. You two are adorable. And that's pretty much what I expected you to sound like. Oddly Chelsey sounded compltely different. So cool to see to you guys in person instead of just pictures!

  14. love parker totally eating the box, he is such a cutie! i think vlogging is brilliant, i shall join in one day

  15. That was so cute! Love his smile.

  16. Oh, Parker is so cute! Ok, trying to leave comment but Ruari keeps pulling my hand away... Loved it!

  17. Great job, Amy! You guys look so much alike. Love it!

  18. I think it was cute. It was fun to hear you talk. You always wonder what people sound like. :) I laughed when Parker took a bite out of the box. My daughter has eaten so much paper, it's crazy and yes, his smile totally melted my heart!

  19. Did you even say anything??? I was so focused on how freaking cute my nephew is that I totally forgot to listen to you... ;-)

  20. I swear I commented before. I love your vlog. It makes me feel like we've hung out! Ha ha. Do another one soon!

  21. When I became pregnant I watched Courtney from I randomly found her on google. She is my favorite...I became ADDICTED(kinda like I am now to your blogs..&theres only a hand full I actually read and vote for)..I watched Meghan from Baby Bumbler. She made a blog entertered topbabyblogs&Racheous(another youtuber)..then I found you cooler beotches LOL Thats the story morning glory. So Love your vlog &the point to that was yes you should keep vlogging if you enjoy it! They are my favorite, but your blogs have been WAY more interesting than watching vlogs. So if you guys did both that would be like magic.LOL

  22. This was really cool. How do you guys do this? Do you have a camera built into your computer? I'm an old lady and need help with technology...If I can figure it out, I might do one.

  23. Oh, and I love that you said you get too emotionally invested in's totally true!!!Funny...

  24. That was super cute! I love how 10 months in you just grab anything to distract him with...even if it is a medicine box. haha. Imagine pre baby if you thought you would ever do that?? haha

  25. Hee hee hee I love how Parker was trying to fish the paper out of his mouth. Paper is like a baby delicacy, I swear. Although I guess it's better than snails?

    You are suuuper cute. Your baby is suuuper cute. Cuteness galore.

  26. Parker is so cute and squeezable! Loved it!

  27. I was laughing watching Parker eat that box! Awesome! My daughter has eaten worse (kitty treats--ew!) and I didn't catch it until it was too late, too. I agree about the AI judges & I hope you're feeling better soon!

  28. I loved it. Brayden would have done the same thing. LOL.

  29. So that Sam comment freaked me out: I was like I don't know a Sam? hahaha I loved your vlog you and Pray are so cute. It makes me miss you guys more. Kingston kept putting his face to the screen. Oh and Target is the best place ever. It's true you do find everything!!

    Do more vlogs. I loooved it.

  30. haha. You are so cute! I love seeing what peoples voices sound like, also parkers faces are priceless. Especially when he is eating the box. I totally agree with you on the american idol thing, the only way I "watch" it is through the Soup. I freaking love that show!

  31. You two are just so cute! Parker was absolutely hilarious with that box. I also loove The Soup - great show!

  32. Very cute vlog! Parker is a funny little man munching on that box!!

  33. I going to jump on this bandwagon and finally say what has been on my mind all of these years but didn't have the heart to tell you like these good people have done, you sound like a man.

  34. Now that your federation of blogging groupies have given you so much positive feedback here are some real thoughts and criticisms:
    1. Chewing gum? Really unprofessional and I would expect more from a college educated business professional.
    2. You question J-Lo judging American Idol by saying "is it the best use of her time?" Speaking of good uses of time you just did a mommy vlog. Although by the outdated calendar in the background I can see you aren’t the best at using your time.
    3. Holy Crap, is your son eating on a drug box?
    3. Why does your son have a twitter account?
    4. Your husband should do more blogging. He seems so much smarter.

  35. omg, PARKER IN THE BEGINNING! his little chub face. so cute. loved your vlog!!

  36. Y'all are super cute! I love this, it's kinda neat to see everyone's vlogs. :)

  37. So cute! Paper is definitely edible. :) I did my first vlog today, too! :) Totally weird but I loved it!

  38. I thought that was awesome! You seemed so natural with it... I reread what you wrote to double check that it was your first one...

    What a cute baby!

    Yummy paper.

  39. ooooh, loved this! please do more, i think it's fun putting a voice to the bloggers i love. totally laughing when parker chews the paper...henry is really into that these days too and i'm usually too busy to notice or too stressed out to care.

  40. I like the vlog... Im still trying to get the blog down... but maybe a blog in my future?!?!?!!?!

  41. haha, I loved your Vlog. I Lol whe parker was munchking on paper, paper is TOTALLY edible at least in baby world. You have one cute kid lady!

  42. I love The Soup. I love Target. I love Parker's shirt. I love Parker's smile at the very end when he's saying bye. This vlog is fantastic.


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