length: twenty-seven inches. 10th percentile.
weight: twenty pounds + some change. 40th percentile.
head: seventeen & a half inches. 50th percentile.
summary: small & chunky. average head. no weight gained in the last three months.
you guys? why do these numbers get me all antsy in my pantsy? ugh, i hate these charts. i think up all sorts of excuses for why he's so low on the charts... but the fact of the matter is that he's small. apparently. and growing slowly. he's gone from being in the 75% in length & 90% in weight to well, 10 & 40. this makes me feel sick.
when he nurses {yeah, we're back to nursing}, he ends feedings when he gets disinterested & pulls off to go about his business. it's not like he's crying after feedings from hunger. he sleeps through the night like a champ & when he takes a bottle he only drinks four to six ounces, maybe eight once in a blue moon.
the kid doesn't eat much.
we've really tried to up the solids consumption this last month too, & it's going alright. he now eats bananas, sweet potatoes, yogurt, cheerios, bread, avocado, peas, & brown rice. but not very much of it.
but he is a happy baby. my small, happy, baby. that counts for something, right?

your small votes make me happy in a big way! please vote to support all the small babies.
Yah don't worry about those silly charts!! They really don't tell you much other than that your child is FINE. Parker a healthy, happy baby boy. That's all that matters!!
ReplyDeleteThose charts are all blind statistics...not a measure of health or anything like that. Poor penny's head is only in the 7th % ...but she's way smarter than Tripp who has a big head! You know your baby's happy & healthy. THAT's what matters.
ReplyDeleteYour baby looks happy and healthy! My oldest has always been tiny, my youngest has always been bigger. They are a year apart and weight 3 lbs difference. Both are healthy. Don't mind those charts.
ReplyDeleteI agree that yes, your kid is healthy! My daughter dipped real low in the growth chart at 9 months too. She fell off her curve and I know that what we were feeding her wasn't enough; it was a wake up for me more than anything. I took it as a challenge to see if I could get her to a higher percentage with really introducing and emphasizing fat and protein rich foods. It worked and I'm still a stickler about making sure she has a protein with every meal. But, that was my take on it. Everyone is different! Statistics can be stupid BUT they are there as a gauge to use however you please.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about those stupid charts! Think about all of those babies that you've seen that might as well be walking around as adults because they are just THAT BIG! Hallie has ALWAYS been in the low percentiles, always. We hit 20 pounds at her 18 month check up. She's just a little girl. Yet they wanted to conduct tests on her because she was so advanced. As long as you know that he's healthy and happy, that's all that matters! :)
ReplyDeleteAll babies grow at different rates.
ReplyDeleteHe is happy and healthy! That is all that matters!
Now if he was always crying and acting hungry, then there would be a problem. The point is though, that he IS eating, he IS content with how much he's getting etc.
He is so cute! :)
please, please, please don't worry! These little guys are doing all sorts of changing right now. I don't even remember what Niall's head percentile is because that's the one that is always small-- so I choose to ignore it :) Doctors will tell you if there is anything to worry about. We moms have enough making us anxious as it is!
ReplyDeleteHe seems happy & healthy. If he doesn't want to eat, then thats fine! He knows that there is food available to him & at some point he will probably have a HUGE growth spurt & eat you out of house & home and you will want these times back!
ReplyDeleteMy lily (9 months) is small too. Her appointment it next week but last time I had her weighed she was 14lbs 26.5 inches and that was about a month ago. She eats all the time and nurses like a champ so we think she takes after her long and lean daddy. All babies are different and as long as Parker is happy and healthy be happy you don't have to lug around a huge baby all day!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the charts! Parker looks like a very healthy boy to me, and very happy. That's what matters!
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a healthy happy little guy to me! :) Kids all grow so differently. My oldest is super petite, he and our middle child are only one pound apart in weight and only a couple of inches in height. Our youngest is a tiny little thing, she's 17 months and people still think she's closer to a year. Those charts usually cause more stress than good, I just tune them out.
ReplyDeleteParker is doing great! Your focus is on nutrition as it should be. You are just used to him being on the large side of the statistics... no worries!
ReplyDeleteThat counts for everything. You know he's a gorgeous, funny, happy, sweet boy and that's all that matters. The charts need to shut it!
ReplyDeleteoh my god. i know exactly how you feel! wyatt hadn't gained anything for like 2-3 months once and the doctor gave me a hard time and all. they said he was in the 10th percentile for his weight and i was all neurotic thinking my son is starving in front of my eyes. i still am neurotic actually. it's crazy isn't it!? how these doctors make us feel. they should be able to look at the kid/the mom and tell that our kids are healthy. i have no idea advice except to just look at your child realistically. you have one super healthy babe.
ReplyDeleteTry not to worry...Parker is happy & healthy, and you are an awesome mama!
ReplyDeleteI would think as long as he is healthy and happy, you shouldn't worry about those charts! As long as the doctor wasn't like "WHOAH RED FLAG!" then it shouldn't matter at all! Babies grow at their own pace. Parker is doing great!
ReplyDeleteAs long as he's happy, healthy and content, don't worry about those charts/percentile calculators! Mia is off the charts (way off) in regards to her head size...compared to her body and how her head has always measured, she's totally normal. Don't worry about it! :)
ReplyDeleteAmy, think how much more mobile Parker is now versus the last time he went in for a checkup...he's just working off all of those calories he's taking in. The kid ISN'T starving for crying out loud, look at all those sweet, chubby rolls on him! :)
ReplyDeleteMadeline was always 5th on the charts. She's 3 now and jumped to 13th! :) It used to stress me out a lot. I'm a lot more relaxed with Charlie. Trust your instincts. If he's healthy, who cares? I'm feeling bad for you having to come back from beautiful Hawaii...ugh :) Time to plan the next vacation? :)
ReplyDeleteAgreed with everyone. Although my baby is tall, he's super skinny. BUT if you look at your hubby and you at this age, you most likely were the same-ish.
ReplyDeleteLogan STILL isn't a good eater. He's not picky at all, he just eats about 5-10 bites per meal and he's done.
Don't get too flustered about it. When he's hungry, he'll eat. And that's perfectly healthy. :)
Those growth charts are all so silly! They just make parents worry unneccisarily. Seriously, you have nothing to worry about:) He is a perfect little guy! I am not a mom, but just watching my siblings and friends with children and hearing their "stats" which most of them were lower on the scale and they are healthy happy kids now. Plus look at you, you are a teeny tiny little lady yourself. Have a great day, and try not to worry yourself too much!
ReplyDeleteAmy- I have had those same feelings many times with Nixon only on the opposite end of the scale. He has always been big! My first pediatrician even told me he was eating too much and growing too fast! After many worries(and a change in doctor) I have come to accept him and not worry about stats and charts. He is healthy and happy and has somewhat leveled out on weight. He will always be tall and stalky but we are blessed if that is all we have to deal with! Parker looks he is thriving also and that is proof that you are doing a good job! -Ruth
ReplyDeleteDont worry about what all the charts and statistics say, thats what im gonna do as long as he is happy and very obviously healthy and full of life dont worry about it, he seems to be energetic and alert and thats what matters not how tall he is pretty soon hes gonna be growing so much you'll wish he was still little.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't even give it a second thought! My kids are in zero pertentile not even on the charts...they will eat when they are hungry! You would know if something was wrong. Kids grow at different rates!
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel, my daughter is 15 months and not even 18 lbs! She has slowly dropped and is not on the weight chart at all anymore. It kills me as a mother but they say she is fine. Sigh.
ReplyDeletethose charts are lame! He is perfect. That is what I tell myself.
ReplyDeleteThey don't even tell me the charts anymore because i just get mad.
Aw, Brayden is 27 inches. :D Parker is cute, sweet and above all he is healthy. No worries!
ReplyDeleteI think these charts are ridiculous. I hate them because they judge grayson on when he "should have" been born. stupid. really? my kid is FIVE WEEKS older than the "normal" kids you're comparing him to. lame sauce. parker is gorgeous, OBVIOUSLY very happy, and has a family that takes very good care of him. that's the important stuff....
ReplyDeleteWait until Baby Boy Walker comes along. Christie = midget + Ryan = skinniest kid you've ever seen. It will make you feel awesome.
ReplyDeleteEh, don't sweat the small stuff. I try not to pay too much attention to the charts since they really can make you antsy. As long as he's happy and healthy, the rest doesn't really matter! & when we took adrienne to her 9 month check-up our pedi told us it's a common complaint with little one's not eating as much and that they grow out of it in the next month or so.
ReplyDeleteHappy is everything! And I hate the charts. My boys have always been all over the place. They were up at the top in the very beginning, O is on his way down, and JD settled around the 30s for height & weight. Keep following your gut and enjoy that baby's smile :)
ReplyDeleteI might be totally copying someone else here I didnt read all the comments BUT you've probably caught him right before a growth spurt, they plump up then get taller- which will sometimes puts your percentages opposite of the last visit! If hes not crying in hunger all the time he will be great! you are an awesome mama!
ReplyDeleteThere is actually a different chart for breastfed babies that doesn't "require" them to weigh so much/be so tall, but most doctor's use the formula fed one only.
ReplyDeleteMason was 28 inches and like 18 lbs 9 oz at his 9 month appointment. My ped was not at all worried, nor was I!
He's just fine! Just think - small babies get to wear all the super cute clothes even longer!!!
I know just how you feel. I think those growth charts are just there to drive us all crazy! My baby dropped down to the 10th percentile for height and weight at his six month checkup. Now he's at about the 20th, which is still low, but he's happy and doing fine developmentally. That's all that really matters.
ReplyDeleteI wouldnt worry. He is way bigger then Carsyn. Carsyn is only 15lbs. He is happy & healthy.
ReplyDeleteI think every kid that comes into the clinic for their 9 month check goes down in percentials. It is because they are more active (rolling, crawling, pulling themself up and cruising) and they have started solids. As long as he is healthy that is all that matters at this age. He is doing great, I wouldnt worry about the charts. (There is your professional Peds nurse advice for the day.):)
ReplyDeleteKale & Parker's stats are so similar! It seems like they've both slowed down in growth, which is totally natural. Don't worry about it - just follow Parker's lead. He'll let you know when he's hungry. Also - super happy to hear you're back to nursing :)