i had to put an end to it.
i'm not usually one for using the tv as a babysitter, & i hardly ever have it on during the day. for reals. but today? was no ordinary day. i'd had enough of the mess getting me down.
so sometimes, a mess like the one at my house requires one to prop their child up like this:
with his sippy cup, mini-pillow pet & snacks, in front of this:
...so that i can attempt to make this:
...a ridiculously crazy living room & two loads of clean laundry, look like this:
...with time to do this:
...before sam gets home. and it was totally worth it. and now i can get on with my life.
just thought you should know.

voting for us is totally worth it too. you'll get all my love.
I wish I could vote twice for the pure fact that you guys are watching Up!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about cleaning... hate to do it, but absolutely can't stand the mess. Nice work!!
ReplyDeleteSo...Do you have a magic wand?
ReplyDeleteWay to go! Love that you photographed it. I love to clean, but with Will here now, I have to be more strategic and plan it around his naps. It has been a bit of a challenge!
ReplyDeleteI must've missed something. Or maybe, I didn't. But you went to Maui? ahhh *HOME. I was born & raised there. Moved to Kauai 4 years past :( I miss home So badly thankfully my family is still there. Boo. I'm sure it's hard getting back into place with reality. You weren't alone. I worried about my daughter (who was a baby still at the time of our vacation in 2009) and I was worried how she'd be on the plane. It's hard. But you had a good baby! I don't think you're the only one who hates to clean their house - gosh you should see MINES! I haven't found the extra energy. It's like a never ending battle with my toddler. Its like once you clean it - it gets all messy again!
ReplyDeleteBut I love the pictures you have of your baby. He's so adorable! I just wanna squeeze him with hugs & kisses. Anyways. Have a beautiful week. Almost TGIF.
Best movie ever! Did you sob on Parker's shoulder like I did with Niall? Haha
ReplyDeleteI have to watch this movie! I'm definitely not beyond putting the boy in front of some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Yo Gabba Gabba to calm him down or get something done.
ReplyDeletegood job mama.
ReplyDeleteThat's what my weekend will be as long as Pie cooperates. Smooches to p-ray
ReplyDeleteI wish Bennett would just sit in front of the TV sometimes. He has an attention span of about 30 seconds!! Yay for cleaning up, though!! I need to do that! Oh and Bennett has that sippy cup... he loves it! TWINS! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love the little boy scout in 'Up'! A very fun post! Cleaning is so rewarding & makes your life run smoother - Love ya. oxox
ReplyDeletecute. can you come to my house and work your magic... i swear as soon as i get one room to look like that, the others are destroyed. sigh....
ReplyDeleteGood for you. I wish Carsyn would let me put him down long enough to get stuff done.
ReplyDeleteI voted for your blog! I love your cute house! Wow look at you, with a baby and a spotless house! I know exactly how you feel with coming home from a vacation. You almost need a vacation to recover from your vacation. I hate coming back to reality!
ReplyDeleteI've awarded YOU with 2 awards today! :]
Amy, I am still suffering from the post vacay blues. We cleaned our apartment before we left so that it would be nice when we got home...it didn't work though. It was a disaster within 12 hours of getting home. I'm still trying to get the energy and motivation to deep clean it. Ryans parents are coming over this weekend though so I have to clean it.
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys!
Ha! I did the same thing yesterday. It helps having a baby take a good, long nap too!
ReplyDeleteWow! You did a good job! I wish a movie would keep Alyson occupied so I could get stuff done. She loses interest in things within minutes lol.
ReplyDeleteThe Sweetest Life♥
Ok - let's me honest here. Parker cleaned up while you watched tv, right?
ReplyDeleteLove a clean house. Hate to clean.
ReplyDeleteIf only cleaning were as easy as it looks in this post!
LOL. LOVE this post :-) so true, sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
ReplyDeletenothing wrong for using a "cheap" babysitter for an hr to get some sanity back :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to do this tomorrow afternoon. My house looks like your before pic, and my in-laws are coming this weekend! I never have the TV on either, and now I'm afraid JD just isn't that into it.
ReplyDeleteLove the before and after pics of the living room. haha Great work!
ReplyDeleteGood job Mommy. You do what you gotta do to get things done!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG, you're house looks just like mine {well... before you cleaned} And PS- We have the same TV, TV stand, and coffee table {yay Ikea!} ;)
ReplyDeleteI love the living room before and after shots, it's amazing what a tiny little baby adds to your house! Love your blog!!