Monday, November 29, 2010

seven months

it seems like i waited & waited for six months to come, because it was such a huge milestone.  well, it came & apparently it went.  it's weird because i kinda sorta expected time to stand still for a while.  i hadn't thought ahead to seven months.  eight months.  one year!  yikes.  let's not get ahead of ourselves.

here's my little boy, all growed up to seven months.
{compare previous monthly pics here.}

parker changes every single day.  people aren't joking when they say that... it really happens.  every day he does something new & we fall in love with him even more.  he is hilarious, & he knows he's funny too.  he makes us laugh so many times a day & i am so proud to be his mama.

this month, parker has really started talking.  he babbles all day long... consonant sounds like "bababah" & he even yells "mamamammah!" when he gets really worked up.  sometimes instead of crying when he's frustrated, he yells at us in what we're sure are obscenities & we can't help but laugh.  as soon as his pants & socks come off during changes, his toes go straight for his mouth.  diaper & clothes changes have become an all out war as he squirms & wiggles to get off his back & off the changing table.  he hates being changed.  his feet are super ticklish & he laughs hysterically when tickled all over.  he is so so so close to crawling.  he gets up on his hands & knees & rocks back & forth, & he even kicks his legs out to try & get moving forward.  he had his first solid food this month.  sweet potatoes.  that's all he's had though because i am in no hurry to feed him lots of food for convenience reasons {read: selfish reasons} but we are going to try to be better about introducing more foods this month.  he is still exclusively breast fed & eats about five times a day for about ten to fifteen minutes per feeding.  we haven't found a diaper that can contain his wetness.  he leaks almost every day, multiple times a day. argh.  he loves books & story time.  he squeals with every single page turn & will lay next to you & giggle & gasp at the pictures.  when he's well rested in the morning & after his naps, he will usually hang out in his crib babbling to himself until you go in to get him.  when he sees you he will give you the biggest smile & squirms his whole body with excitement.  he can sit in a high chair at restaurants & does pretty good for a decent amount of time.  his favorite "station" in the house is his walker, where he can stand upright & play with toys for a good long time {long enough for me to clean the whole house!}.  he self entertains really well, but manages to find the only things around the room that aren't meant for babies, like cords, remotes, & non-baby books.

we've done so many things with him this last month.  he's seen his first snow days, he went on an eight hour road trip, he got bundled up & went to see christmas lights, & he's taken it all in stride.  he continues to go with the flow & just take in his surroundings with amazement & curiosity.  we can't get over how much fun he is & the amazing little personality that is emerging in him.  we're convinced we have the best baby in the whole freakin' world.

and he is still so dang cute.

love this kid.

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  1. he is just too cute! i think riley needs to take some "go with the flow" lessons from parker, he sounds like a dream baby!

  2. I'm so in love with Parker's leg rolls. Also, he clearly inherited your fake asian-ness.

  3. parker seems like such a relaxed and happy kid! i love it.

  4. The rolls! The eyes! The sweet, sweet face! I'm in total gorgeous-ness overload!!

    Happy 7 months sweet boy!

  5. Very well written & recorded with photos! You must have this made into a book - amazing! oxox

  6. Oooh happy 7 months Parker! He had definitely done a lot this last month and seems like such an easy-going baby!! And, as always, those pictures are so cute!!

  7. So cute! It really does go quickly.

  8. Happy seven months, Parker! :) Gosh, he's cute! And he has some pretty cute stuffies, too!
    Sounds like you guys had a really good month.
    And don't feel bad- I have a feeling I'll have a hard time introducing solids, too. :( It seems like the beginning of the end of a beautiful thing!

  9. ps- have you tried cloth dipes? They're supposed to be way better at containing messes and leaks than sposies.

  10. happy 7 months birthday, Parker!

  11. YEAH!! 7 months! The countdown to birthday madness has begun!! :) Love, love, love this little guy!

  12. Wow, I feel like you just posted that he was six months- it really does go by fast! Niall hates diaper changes, too- I'd say that's the hardest part of the day (and it happens 5 or 6 times). I hope it gets easier, but I'm not sure that it will. He's such a squirmy worm!

  13. Oh man. I seriously want to nom on those thighs.

  14. he's so stinkin' cute! I want to squeeze him! Grayson has that same jumper (the one with the ears and the same pjs!) I love them.

  15. thanks soo much for visiting my blog!! i am following yours now too!!! your baby boy is sooo adorable, time just flies when they are young huh?? (i know, from my 22 month old nephew)!!

  16. Oh man, he is so cute. Yay for being 7 months old! I know that is right around the corner. :X

  17. Happy 7 months, Parker! He is such a little chunk of love.

  18. Oh my gosh! P-ray, you are doing soo many things!! I love him I love him I love him! I can't wait to hold him and kiss his cheekers

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