in case you missed it, the pac-northwest got buried in snow this week. and by buried, i mean like, two or three inches. yes, we openly admit that we don't know how to deal with snow here in seattle. it's just how we are.
p-ray & i opted to stay in our pj's all day & watch the snow fall from the comforts of the living room. he also took this time to work on his crawling skills. he's getting close, & i'm not
quite sure i'm ready for the mobile stage yet.
after sam got home from work, i was feeling pretty cabin-feverish. two days in the house will do that to a person. so guess where we all went? you guessed it: target. a pair of $10 skinny jeans & a couple of cute tops later, i was feeling much better about life.
road trip day. the drive to eastern washington to see sam's family usually takes five hours but apparently in icy-snowy conditions, this drive is increased to eight hours. luckily p-ray was a trooper & didn't complain at all. seriously, he cried maybe ten minutes max, the whole trip. love my kid.
the day to give thanks. we stayed in our pj's til three or four pm, parker played with cousins, sam played football, & we all ate lots of food. later that evening we bundled up & headed downtown to check out the park all decked out in christmas lights {aka: an excuse for me to put parker in a bear suit}.
black friday. we braved some of the crowds & i found my dream boots at macy's. they were 50% off. only problem is that the only available sizes were a 6 & a 6.5. my size 8 feet couldn't make it work. i'm still crying about this. it just wasn't meant to be i guess. but serioulsy? how cute are they.
parker wasn't too impressed with all the black friday hype & chose to snooze on my shoulder most of the time instead.
did you take your "week in camera phone" pictures?
there's only one rule to linking up... your pictures have to be taken by your camera phone. that's it! you don't even have to have a picture for every day. got one camera phone pic of something fun from this week? link up!
grab the code below & put it in your post to have the linky with all the thumbnails show up on your blog too. the more kids who come out to play, the more fun it will be, right?
grab the code here:
...and get on the linky here: