getting. back. in. shape. deep sigh.
ever since i wrote this post, about how getting back in shape was starting to feel like work, i lost some motivation. sure, vacations/bbq's/a-baby-who-started-to-sleep-a-lot-better (read: didn't wake me up for my 5:30 am pump/rpm classes) & then a baby-who-started-to-sleep-worse (read: "4 month wakeful") all played a part in my lost motivation.
but when i see that, i just see excuses.
& now i'm done with excuses.
i've managed to get out every now & then & run with the jogging stroller, but nothing consistent. thanks to awesome seattle weather {sarcastic font}, the ability to do this is going to become even less consistent.
pre-parker, going a week without working out would have been unheard of. unheard of.
i can honestly not remember when my last work out was. two weeks ago? sad, sad, sad.
so now i'm vowing to change that. i'm setting some goals. no more excuses.
here goes.
-- i WILL work out at least 3x this week, for at least 30 minutes. gotta start somewhere.
& that's it for today. see how easy that was? why set a whole bunch of crazy unrealistic expectations only to fail right here in front of the whole blogosphere?
i'll report back next monday.
in the meantime, how do you other mommas out there fit in your fitness? what works for you? do you feel guilty leaving your little ones with dad after his day of work & heading to the gym?
sam does not make me feel guilty in the least bit. in fact, he accommodates me in any way he can to get me to the gym because he knows how important it is to my sanity. it's just that the last thing i want to do when he comes home from being gone all day is leave him. i want to stay home & enjoy my little family!
i took this picture three weeks before i found out i was pregnant. i was training for an olympic distance triathlon at the time & had just come in from a 30 mile bike ride.
i still remember how good i felt that day, but it feels like forever ago. i. miss. it.
& in case you're wondering what is even going on in this picture, i was trying to show my sister my highlights. my hair was like, dark dark dark before this. i know, random.
& now, in unrelated things...
i think sam is coming around to the idea of getting this family a dslr of some sorts. i'm leaning towards the nikon d90, but i hear really really good things about canon dslrs too. it kinda sounds like it's six one way, half a dozen the other but i'm gonna do some research.
for all you shutter bugs out there, what do you recommend? please give me your two cents.
in the meantime, i continue to lust after pictures taken by my sister & her nikon d90. so much that i'm even entering one in a photo contest over at the paper mama's blog this week! the theme is "excitement".
does it get much more exciting than this?
i submit that it does not.
you can check out all the other entries here:

oh yeah, & guess what? we've drawn a winner for our p-ray poster giveaway! i am so excited to post results tomorrow. but for now, this little girl needs her beauty sleep.
i have a big work out waiting for me in the morning.

hey, even though our giveaway is over, your votes still count ;)
I've been making way too many excuses. Time for me to get in shape.
ReplyDeleteHey if you want to play around with our Canon 40D before you decide one way or another just let me know!
ReplyDeleteI have a canon and love it. My brother has a nikon and he loves his...
ReplyDeleteI think you just have to go play and find out which one fits YOU best!!
So I can't help you that much!! :o) Sorry!
Nice Brian Regan in there!! :o)
As for working out, I don't mean to be a downer, I've been working at it for 5 years. I lost the weight after Reed when he was about a year old. I've kind of been waiting for the kids to get into school to do the same with HiHi. Poor excuses I know! I've never been to a gym... I work out at home during the kid's nap. That's my 2 cents...
Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following you back! Your little one is simply adorable!
ReplyDeleteAs for camera related, I do recommend the D90 it's an awesome camera! It's higher than an entry level camera and titled more for an advanced amateur. It'll definitely last you a while! My Sister has that one as well. I just recently upgraded mine (today) I upgraded from the D5000 (entry level) to a D300s which is more of a semi-pro camera. Anyhow you can't go wrong with Nikon! Can't wait to hear more about which you purchase :)
Following your Facebook fan page from Tuesday Tag-Along. Please “like” my Facebook page of inspiring messages posted daily!
I pretty much stay in my pjs until noon...when the kids go to sleep at noon I go on the treadmill, a work out video, jump rope outside, just something to get a little bit of exercise in.
ReplyDeleteI need to get in shape too. We do a weekly weigh in on Thursdays if you are interested.
ReplyDeleteI have a nikon d3000 and love it. It was a good camera to start on and helped me learn the basics for a lot cheaper then the D90. I may upgrade one day, but has been doing good so far.
Thanks for the follow! I wish I could give camera advice, but I just use the camera on my phone for most things.
ReplyDeleteHey girl - thanks for stopping by and following. Since I shoot with the Canon Rebel...I'm not sure I can speak to the Nikon but go to a store and hold them. One will feel more comfortable than the other. Sorry...that wasn't very helpful but you'll enjoy it regardless! Have a great week. I'm now following back!
ReplyDeletethanks so much for following I am following you back....and I SO hear you on needing to work out....I am beyond out of shape yet have LOADS of excuses....sigh.
ReplyDeleteI am your new follower. You can follow me back at
ReplyDeleteHey thanks so much for following me! Seems like we have a lot in common..Photography, someday between two kiddos and full time school i am going to enter a photo contest! Getting back into shape...although for me it's just getting into shape. period. I've never quite been there in my life but I'm going to come hell or highwater. and Motherhood! Your babes is a doll! I'm looking forward to reading in the future!
ReplyDeleteI am following you back! Thanks for the follow! I have a canon T1i and love it! I really suggest you go to a store and touch and hold a cannon and a nikon and see what you like best. Nikons and Cannons are both good cameras. So you can't go wrong chosing. I will say this some off name lens like Tamron and Sigma will work for Cannons and not nikons and they are cheaper. So, really do your research.
ReplyDeleteAdorable photo of the baby! Very excited...
ReplyDeletecanon rebel xsi
ReplyDeleteFollowing you back from Talkative Thursday.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much following Lucas on his
Journey w/SPD
Lucas's Journey w/SPD
Your pictures are always so cute. What photo editing software do you use?