Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a good day to be a sahm.

{for those who don't know - sahm means "stay at home mom" but i'm sure 90% of my demographic already knew that.}

not all days go like today.  some are boring, some are overly busy, some are filled with to-do lists, some are filled with a fussy baby.  not today.

today has been one of those days where you stop & say, "hey, i got it pretty good." 

it was sunny & i went for a walk with a friend who's due with her first baby on friday.  we'll see if our little two-&-a-half mile stroll gets anything started for her.  parker did awesome on our walk... when he wasn't sleeping he was peeking out of the stroller at stuff around him.  how did i get so lucky as to have such a good little boy?

after our walk, i did what all good sahms do.  i went to target.  a little of this, a little of that, a couple shirts for p-ray, some makeup for me, a pack of gum, sixty bucks later & we're on our way.  how is it impossible to get out of target without spending at least fifty dollars?  boggles my mind.  & this wasn't frivolous stuff either.  all necessities, of course.

anyways, now we're home, parker's napping & i'm wasting time on the 'net.  shouldn't i be cleaning you ask?  nope, i did all that yesterday.  see?  i told you today was a good day.

today my internet-time-waster-of-choice is youtube & i'm feeing so inclined as to share one of my faves.  if you feel so inclined as to have your day made for you by something worth watching, then hit that little play button.  you won't regret it.

i {heart} flight of the conchords.  in a big way.  they rock my socks.

again, i want to say not all days go like this.  & my life isn't perfect.  but if you don't take a moment to remember the good times, & appreciate the good days, then what do you have to look forward to on the not-so-good days?

Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

you would rock my socks if you voted.  we're within an arms reach of the top fifty... & i have short arms!


  1. yay! im glad you are having a great day! i love days like that where everything just goes smoothly.

  2. That does sound like a good day. I love days like that. And I don't know what I would do without Target! Seriously. I spend so much time there, and you're right - how is it that I spend at least $50+ every time I go? Ha ha oh well. Yay for good days!!

  3. Hooray for good days, for cutie pie little boys and hooray for Target. Also, hooray for introducing me to flight of the concords.

  4. One of my all time faves of Flight of the Conchords!

  5. I'm glad to hear that you had a wonderful day! I love those days when everything goes so smoothly.

  6. :) Yay for good days.
    My husband has limited my Target excursions to twice a week... because, seriously, I always go in there only needing one or two things and come out with several bags full!
    I'm looking forward to being a SAHM. Bad days, good days... I'll take 'em all. Of course, feel free to remind me of this someday when I'm complaining on my blog about the stress/boredom/monotony :)

  7. I went to Target today too! Just over $50 spent...surprise! They just have the cutest stuff there. I can't help myself.

    Two thumbs up for Flight of the Conchords btw. :)

  8. Sounds like a good day. I wish I had a Target close, closest one is an hour away. Wait maybe not cause I would spend all our money. Cute picture.

  9. Awww...I'm jealous! :) I had to go back to work about 3 weeks ago and I'm not digging it. You'd think it'd be easier the 2nd time around.

  10. "You're so beautiful, you could be a part time model, but you'll probably still have to keep your normal job"
    Yes, YES! I'm so happy you posted that.
    Ps I didn't know what SAHM meant. I'm really slow. But now I know and knowing is half the battle.
    YOU rock MY socks.

  11. I love flight of the conchords too, they are hilarious! Sounds like a good day. We SAHMs need days like that every once in a while to keep us going! We need to come see you gfuys soon!

  12. Hmmm - I guess I am a sahg (grandma) ha ha. Today IS a beautiful day! Tons to be grateful for! Love you.

  13. gotta LOVE those days! What a CUTE post:) Give PARKER hugs for us!

  14. checking you out from mama and the dudes! i completely agree that it really is all about the good days! it sounds like you had a really nice time. : )

    i also love the flight of the conchords. they're fantastic!


  15. I'm glad I was part of your good day, but it's too bad those walks didn't do much except get me outside to enjoy the beautiful weather!

    Tim and I love that video you posted. My favorite song of theirs is "Business Time"!


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