wow, it was really hard picking my top ten favorite pictures of parker. the ones that made the cut for some reason or another just caught my eye tonight, but this is by no means an all-inclusive list. ask me tomorrow & there will be others that are in my top ten too.
so, in chronological order, here are my favorite ten{ish} pictures of parker from the year twenty-ten:
1. one day old
i've never posted this picture on my blog even though it is one of my favorites. i remember this like it was yesterday. i took it with my iPhone in the middle of the night in the hospital, during parker's first night out of my belly. he was so perfect & i remember just marveling at this little human who was now completely dependent on my care.
2. two days old
another picture that isn't necessarily my favorite due to it's photographic genius. this one takes me back, & completely encompasses what {newborn} motherhood is to me. it's 3am, glasses on, spit up on your shirt, amazingness. amazing because you are caring for this brand new little person who couldn't be any more angelic than seen right here.
3. one month old
ok so i didn't take this one,
my sister did. but i did do the editing & it was taken in my living room in the days prior to my having a nice camera, & it's one of my absolute favorites. from one month old, this little man was busting with personality.
4. three months
this was taken with the webcam on my iMac. it makes me laugh & i like it. same eyes, different nose, different mouth.
we were pouting that i had to go back to work the next day. boo.
5. three months
ok, another one taken by
my sister. sorry, i'm totally breaking the "pictures must be taken by you" rule, but eh whatev, it's my blog right & that's how i roll. plus, everything that came out of her camera seems to be photographic-parker-is-hilarious-and-adorable genius. this face is so typical of parker. he is SUCH a happy baby.
6. four months
i had set p-ray down for a minute while i was getting ready to feed him. apparently it only took a minute for him to get as into whatever game was on as sam was.
7. six months
i loved my sweet little baby in these spooky skeleton pj's. everyone said he looked like one of the bad guys from karate kid & that makes me laugh. cause c'mon, what's funnier than a six month old doing karate? parker definitely has some mad ninja skills.
8. six months
this is not typical of parker. he was so tuckered out after a night of halloween partying that he literally fell asleep without a peep in sam's lap while he was skyping with his parents. i like to pretend he's a little ewok in this picture. i really like ewoks.
9. seven months
and here we are at the "kids do gross things" stage of life. so soon? apparently.
10. seven & a half months
could this kid get any cuter? could those cheeks be any more kissable? no & no. this little boy is so much fun.
and for good measure,
11. eight months
i've posted this one on
my photo blog, but not here. this picture makes me happy for so many reasons. a happy glowy baby, the holidays, a growing love {obsession} with photography, and cute polar bear pajamas. it's a win win.
wanna join in on the top ten of twenty-ten photo fun? check out one of these blogs & link up:
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