I'm not ready to move onto that subject just yet. I have to cover the big Vacay!! So here we go. I'll run you through day by day and I'm sorry the embedded pics are pretty impossible to see, but if you click on them they get bigger and I think if you click again they magnify and you can see them in real size. Ya know, if you're interested.
So we set out from LA for our 7-day cruise... it was super fun! It's hard to come back (but I was willing, since we had our BIG ultrasound!! But... I digress).

BUT, the food in Mazatlan was a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Oh my gosh. Mexican food is one of my fave cuisines, but since I've been back, I've had zero desire to eat it here. It's just not the same. I don't think I'll ever be able to go to a Mexican restaurant in the U.S. and not be disappointed, from now on. Mazatlan, you were worth the drive just for your quesadillas. And your enchiladas. And your beans, and your rice, and your guacamole. Oh my. The guacamole. Ok, you get the point.

We started off by checking out a big flea market (that was embedded in the huge trees) and shopping all the same ol' crap we'd seen everywhere else. Bracelets, necklaces, sun dresses/swimsuit coverups (I bought two, and am wearing them in these pics... purple & black ones :), blankets, plates, etc. We walked the shopping district and I was awed by the gorgeous white buildings and the cobblestone roads. Loved Puerto Vallarta.
We did lunch at Senor Frogs. They're everywhere down there and I think it's probably like eating at Red Robin here? Not too fancy, but we weren't disappointed in the food. The definite highlight was the chips and salsa, which I highly recommend. They brought all the ingredients out and made it right in front of you... Loved it!!

Day 7 - At sea. Apparently I didn't take many pictures this day either... and it was our last day! I'm realizing I took like NO pictures of the boat, which was a sight to see in itself. These ships are amazing. Ours had 14 decks, like, 12 elevators, who knows how many restaurants, the list goes on and on. I'm saddened I don't have pictures to share, but if you're really curious I'm sure you could Google the "Norweigan Star" and get plenty to look at. There I feel better.
Our last night, after we played Trivia (see picture), we opted to eat in the fanciest restaurant on the boat. You have to actually pay to eat at these ones, but it was definitely worth it. Like, 10 oz. filet mignon worth it. And um, more chocolate ice cream. haha.
However, this whole day was pretty windy and we couldn't spend much time on the upper decks (and my tan suffered from it), so we hunkered down in our cabin most the day trying not to feel sick. Sam actually took some motion sickness meds due to the rocking... I was a little anxious to get on land by the end of this night, but sad to see our vacation coming to an end.

We drove down Hollywood drive, ate at In-N-Out Burger (mmmm!!), drove through the Hollywood Hills to get a good glimpse of the famous "Hollywood" sign, drove through the ridiculously impressive neighborhood of Beverly Hills, drove down "Rodeo Drive" to try and catch a glimpse of a shopping celebrity (no luck... dangit) but saw way more paparazzi and tourists, and explored the grounds of the LA Temple. A total bonus to tag on to the end of our vacation!!
So there you have it! A run down of the crazy fun relaxing and hectic week. Does that make sense? We got home Saturday night at 1:30 am and just crashed. I'm not sure I've ever seen Sam that tired and I still don't think he's recovered.
But I know we both would do it all over again :)